Kodi Arfer / Wisterwood

US and UK ambassadors bet on World Cup match

Topic List
#001 | Jacehan |
With some hilarious banter about it.

"To truly live, one must first be born." ~ Evan [aX]
Paper Mario Social:
The Safe Haven of GameFAQs. (Board 2000083)
#002 | Ocarinakid2 |
I was half watching it at a bar, but that US goal was something else. Go ball, go!
#003 | Pooty Boy |
World Cup.

Stupid sport.

Give me a Super Bowl or a World Series or don't call it a real sport.
"A special effect without a story is a pretty boring thing." - George Lucas
#004 | Ocarinakid2 |
Wait, what? It's like... *the* sport, except in the US.
#005 | Pooty Boy |
^ And how many of those people really love the sport?

To me, the World Cup is an excuse for the rest of the world to get belligerently drunk and cheer for their country. And I get that. I am gung-ho United States. But that doesn't mean I give a **** about soccer. Same thing with the Olympics. I don't give a ****. But I cheer for my country.

It's not the soccer, it's the drinking and love for your own country.

I just don't see the appeal of watching a sport where a bunch of men in short shorts run around and never score a goal. BOOOOOORRRRIIIINNNNNG.

Give me America's Pasttime and America's Game and I'll be happy.

Ask any European/South American/African/etc. if they can name half the players on their country's squad off the top of their head. Bet they can't do it. But I bet they can name how many drinks they've had while pretending to care.

On the opposite end, I can name you almost any player at any position on any given NFL team. And I bet even your average NFL fan could hit the major position player's names for most teams.
"A special effect without a story is a pretty boring thing." - George Lucas
#006 | Pooty Boy |
Oh, and I'd like to also note that Americans who "care" are probably liberals who want to be more "cultured" like the rest of the world.

And I call those people posers. :)
"A special effect without a story is a pretty boring thing." - George Lucas
#007 | Kodiologist |
My meaningless, expensive, dangerous game is better than your meaningless, expensive, dangerous game!

The Albino Formerly Known as Mimir
#008 | BUM |
I'm not a huge soccer fan, but I do hate football. It's probably the most boring sport out there. Even more boring than baseball! I get more thrill from curling.

How much stop-go-stop-go and ass-slapping can one watch? It's mundane.
#009 | willis5225 |
Somewhere, bell hooks is crying.

And I'm okay with that, until she learns to capitalize things.
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#010 | Ocarinakid2 |
I know soccer is low scoring, but God, I'd take one or two fast goals a game over the tedium that is baseball. Personally, I'd rather watch basketball over anything else, but soccer beats baseball in watchability.

Also, I worked with three die hard republican accounting majors who could rattle off the names of most American and English soccer players. :)
#011 | TheCheezBounce |
Bleh. Soccer. I suppose watching people run back and forth is better than watching two teams smash into each other over and over again. Football is...ugh. How do people even watch that? It's almost as bad as NASCAR. The repetitiveness and lack of anything happening bores me to tears.

Though, overall I get next to no entertainment from sports. It's great for background noise, I suppose. I find the people who rattle off players' stats and teams' plays much more amusing. Though, I have to admire their dedication.

Also, going against what I said above, yeah, I actually like watching basketball. I don't really care about the teams, I guess, but there is at least some entertainment value. That needs to be a world sport before soccer.
Holy **** we're in the Matrix? - Willis
#012 | Dont Interrupt Me |
I guess any sports seems boring if you don't know the intricacies of gameplay, and even more so if you're not invested in the teams. To me, American Football is interesting -- even exciting at points -- and Basketball is just like okay I really don't care. Of course, I wouldn't watch a game of either without multitasking something else, and preferably some good friends in the room. And if had both, I guess I could watch any sport and it wouldn't be so bad.*

*NASCAR is not a sport, no matter what Wikipedia says.
Shake your windows and rattle your walls.
#013 | TheLoneRebel |
"My meaningless, expensive, dangerous game is better than your meaningless, expensive, dangerous game!"

My meaningless, expensive, dangerous game is better than your meaningless, expensive, dangerous game!-Mimir
#014 | KateEsq |
bell hooks does not cry. bell hooks smashes uppercase in anger.
Out of curiosity, would bell hooks have something specific or different to say about this topic than other feminist theorists, Wil, or did you just choose one at random (/for comedic purposes)?

Anywho, in regards to the trend of this topic, I would say I "get" baseball and football and like watching them, while I don't "get" soccer or basketball and find them repetitive. Like DIM said, it's just a matter of taste. I don't like the movie I Am Legend. That doesn't mean it's a bad movie, it just means I don't like it. I have a different taste and opinion of movies than a person who does like it. Everyone's different, jeez.
#015 | willis5225 |
Eh, basically I was going off this sentiment:

From: Pooty Boy
To me, the World Cup is an excuse for the rest of the world to get belligerently drunk and cheer for their country.

Just the wholesale dismissal of the other, except in this case it's other white males. I guess I picked bell hooks 'cause I just copyedited a book that heavily features her, but I dunno the idea that distinct but cohegemonic groups can be so intellectually hostile would, I'd imagine, be depressing for her.

It makes me doubt the Enlightenment. You, Pooty. You make me doubt the promises of the Enlightenment. You're my Anti-Dragonforce.
Set signature in options page.
#016 | Ocarinakid2 |
Full disclosure: I really don't watch any sports, and while my last post was truthful, I was a little drunk and purposefully being argumentative. So, yeah. I just saw Shutter Island, crazy movie.