Kodi Arfer / Wisterwood


Topic List
#001 | Jacehan |
"To truly live, one must first be born." ~ Evan [aX]
Paper Mario Social:
The Safe Haven of GameFAQs. (Board 2000083)
#002 | Dont Interrupt Me |
B- would not read again and didn't really learn anything new but did smile at points
Shake your windows and rattle your walls.
#003 | Kodiologist |

The Albino Formerly Known as Mimir
#004 | SocioPathology |
A+, would put up on refrigerator if space wasn't already taken.
#005 | Jacehan |
Nice, Kodi.

And DIM, I would say the strength of the original lies not in its description of irony but in its accurate description of people who talk about irony. Especially relevant if you have ever read a Fark thread that used the Irony tag.
"To truly live, one must first be born." ~ Evan [aX]
Paper Mario Social:
The Safe Haven of GameFAQs. (Board 2000083)
#006 | Kylo Force |
Kylo Force likes this.

And me and my cousin were discussing this not even last night. Nicely done.
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v129/ukealii50/kylo.jpg - Thanks uke!
http://img193.imageshack.us/img193/829/07kyloforce.png - Thanks Diyosa!
#007 | Kodiologist |
No wait, this is irony. (The punchline is in the third paragraph.)


"If I pick nine, you'd better not be racist against me!"
"No promises, niney."
#008 | PaperSpock |
I hear that the abbreviation for Fire Emblem is irony.
I thought I saw upon the stair a little man who wasn't there.
He wasn't there again today. Oh how I wish he'd go away.
#009 | Smithy04 |
ba dum tish.