Kodi Arfer / Wisterwood

Happy 4th of July, PMS

Topic List
#001 | willis5225 |
Now people of PMS, we have a storied tradition here on today, the anniversary of the highly metaphorical birth of the great nation of the United States of America, on which account we ostracize the Canadians. This is because, as we all know, Canadians hate freedom and spurn our attempts to point out how they%u2019d like freedom more if they had more of it. Meanwhile, the Canadians say things like %u201Cwe%u2019re just not as capitalistic as Americans,%u201D and %u201Cwe%u2019re so great, we inhabit a humanist paradise.%u201D

Well, I don%u2019t know if you know if you%u2019ve been following, but recently there was a G20 something or other in Toronto, and a bunch of Canadians got together and decided to protest it: %u201CThings suck,%u201D they said the world governments, %u201Cmake things stop sucking, or else we%u2019ll keep protesting stuff.%u201D It was all pretty lame and I%u2019m still not entirely sure what they were going for. I dunno.

But then some separatists started blowing up cop cars, and cops starting beating people and (and I think this is ****ing hilarious personally) arresting people on no charge, driving them to an inconveniently distant precinct office and then saying %u201Cokay, you%u2019re free to go, but you can%u2019t stay here to wait for the ride you just called or you%u2019re trespassing.%u201D

My point is, a small subset of the Canadians are finally learning about the costs of the freedoms they gave up to gain a world reputation as docile and inoffensive. People assume Canadians will take their ****, and as a result they get wooden shampooed sometimes. So remember, everyone: when an American cop beats up a guy, and then he gets suspended with pay, and then he gets a cushy desk job, that%u2019s something that you%u2019re taking for granted. That%u2019s the true meaning of Independence Day:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YoIKlO20RqM#t=7m32s (particularly 8:05+)

Anyway, the point isn%u2019t armed revolution (well, I guess it *is* but you know what I mean), it%u2019s this: remember the things you do each day that aren%u2019t guaranteed everywhere in the world, whether that%u2019s openly criticizing the government in print, or taking a **** without the Stasi taking notes and tufting their strange Nazi beards. Those are amazing unusual things you%u2019re doing.

And think of the poor Canadians, who are faced with the unpalatable choice of saying either %u201Cyes, please beat us as we do legal things,%u201D or else %u201Cwait, it turns out Green Peace and the Communists were right!%u201D We don%u2019t have to do that in America. Because we can sue our cops.
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#002 | Pooty Boy |
Happy 4th! Now go out there, drink some cheap American beer and eat some ever-so-delicious BBQ!
"A special effect without a story is a pretty boring thing." - George Lucas
#003 | Kodiologist |
Moral: Don't use a word processor as a text editor.

"If I pick nine, you'd better not be racist against me!"
"No promises, niney."
#004 | willis5225 |
Aw, just saw that. Poor patriotic and yet tinfoil hatty rant V_V

My computer crashes and restarts randomly every couple of days, so I've taken to writing really long rants in something with an autosave. I guess it's just a case of anti-hubris.
Set signature in options page.
#005 | Jacehan |
When I first saw this last night, I was considering responding using the Re: fad, so as to give Wil a chance to fix it, but too late now.
"To truly live, one must first be born." ~ Evan [aX]
Paper Mario Social:
The Safe Haven of GameFAQs. (Board 2000083)
#006 | TheCheezBounce |
Singing "Raining on the Fourth of July" to myself (because it is).
I have no one to hang out with, either.
Best day ever. :(
Holy **** we're in the Matrix? - Willis
#007 | Kodiologist |
From: willis5225 | Posted: 7/4/2010 7:35:58 AM | #004
…something with an autosave.

May I suggest the One True Editor:


It has autosave, an excellent Windows port, and an array of keyboard shortcuts that anybody who writes frequently can benefit from. Sure the learning curve is steep, but you only need to learn stuff once. The developers have improved Emacs continuously since the eighties—without ever fixing features that aren't broken, as Microsoft does with Word every five years.

On topic, I did enjoy the ambiguously patriotic tone of the piece.

"If I pick nine, you'd better not be racist against me!"
"No promises, niney."
#008 | BUM |
No worries Cheez, I was up to nothing this year either. In fact, I was driving from a visit to my parents near Detroit back to my apartment in Lansing while the fireworks were going. I just wasn't "up" this time around.
#009 | Dont Interrupt Me |
…something with an autosave.

Is it OneNote? That thing is like cookies.
Shake your windows and rattle your walls.