Are you serious? Why are people debating about whether or not muslims should be able to build mosques where they choose in America? GASP! The principles our country theoretically was founded upon!
That is all.
Oh, hey, this also ended up on piemess.
Yep, it's pretty offensive.
Set signature in options page.
Yeah. It wasn't much of a vent because first it was a verbal venting to a buddy, then it got typed out, then typed out again. By now, my vents are totally cool.
Vive le piemess!
wait, where?
---<-Oh look, it changed.
3/>- Gavi
What is this?
Also, frog blasting.
Joe Plumber and Bob the Builder for President in 2012!
America: Can we fix it? YES WE CAN!
There's a link to a page. Basically, it's about people doing all they can to restrict muslims from having mosques. Many are afraid to attempt to build because of hatred from the people surrounding them, and so they use buildings that weren't designed to function as mosques. And as new generations of muslims are born, they see the things that American churches have, like youth groups and all of the other amenities, and want these things, but the current mosques (or makeshift mosques) aren't big enough, and people want to prevent them from building more of them.
But seriously. If you were a true patriot, you would love that this country is supposed to be about freedom. If you think they should be restricted from their worship, which is not a crime, then clearly you shouldn't be in America anyways.
It was just stunning to see the question "Should muslims be able to build mosques where they want in America?" on an actual, real news channel. Seriously?
From: undertaker shy guy | Posted: 7/8/2010 5:11:51 PM | #005
Also, frog blasting.
Kodi Arfer likes this.
"If I pick nine, you'd better not be racist against me!"
"No promises,
If you were to inform them that there was some kind of giant synagogue going up, they'd all just sort of mumble politely.
This comment got me to try to look up Jewish...I dunno, terrorism, basically from back in the old days when Jews were the single most persecuted group on earth for a couple thousand years. The search results were rather predictable...
Joe Plumber and Bob the Builder for President in 2012!
America: Can we fix it? YES WE CAN!
I dig it that people are afraid of terrorism. I would argue that the charges are blown out of proportion, and far more crime from other sources like gangs, or something, tallies up way more death than muslim extremists do. However, you might argue that gangs and muslim extremists are different, because one is just a ravenous group of stupid individuals, and the other functions on the ideals of destroying America. So okay.
Even so. Go ahead and tap the mosques, or have spies... I'm actually okay with keeping an eye on high profile threats (and I know that might not be agreeable to everyone, but those people are weaksauce). So you're keeping an eye on things. Just don't limit innocent people! That's ridiculous.
Terrorism is most often a product of a foreign body invading and in some way manipulation your own government. Religion is just a way of unifying and justifying the acts.
" should try reading my posts being getting all emo." --FoxMetal
Something to think about. It seems to me That people may consider the free will is not as valuable as they say it is. Picking security and peace of mind, over personal responsibility and freedom is a choice that's probably made more often than one would think.
But perhaps only I think that's as I would exchange "with great power comes with great responsibility" with, " complete freedom comes with complete responsibility(of ones actions)". which is understandably not something everyone would want to have.
My meaningless, expensive, dangerous game is better than your meaningless, expensive, dangerous game!-Mimir
From: TheLoneRebel
That has nothing to do with the "American dream" as its commonly referred to.
That is a drawing of an eagle with a platitude on it.
Set signature in options page.
Hmm that's strange the comic used to say something else... my bad.
I thought the previous words on the comic were saying something about attitudes of north americans, being less towards being a right and more towards a privilege to be taken away at the first insistence of paranoia
The meaning seems to have changed.
My meaningless, expensive, dangerous game is better than your meaningless, expensive, dangerous game!-Mimir