Kodi Arfer / Wisterwood

Best reason for PMS board move

Topic List
#001 | freepizza |
The ability to eliminate topic purge. With our lack of posting most of the time it's not hard to miss out on a discussion or possible conversation.

That with all the other major benefits should be more important than the specific url itself. After all, PMS IS a place, and that place is in our hearts. And it can follow where ever out hearts are.
"...you should try reading my posts being getting all emo." --FoxMetal
#002 | Kodiologist |
I don't think I understand your reasoning in the first paragraph, but the second paragraph is really cute.

I've occasionally been tempted to make Wisterwood into an interface for posting to PMS rather than just reading it. The GameFAQs version of each post would contain a link back to the Wisterwood version if the Wisterwood version used any new features I'd implemented. If, over time, I could convince most PMSians to post through Wisterwood, I could then simply stop mirroring Wisterwood to GameFAQs. In this fashion we could effectively move PMS without forcing people to switch sites right away.

"If I pick nine, you'd better not be racist against me!"
"No promises, niney."
#003 | Jacehan |
But with our lack of posting most of the time, the purge is so infrequent that someone who misses a discussion isn't actually visiting the board.
"To truly live, one must first be born." ~ Evan [aX]
Paper Mario Social:
The Safe Haven of GameFAQs. (Board 2000083)
#004 | freepizza |
And that is to be expected Jacehan. But how lovely would it be for someone who has been absent for some time to look over the posts he missed, catch himself up, and add to the discussion if they felt like it.

The benefits are limitless for moving PMS, the only reason we stay here is a stubborn sense of nostalgia that I believe is misplaces.
"...you should try reading my posts being getting all emo." --FoxMetal
#005 | Dont Interrupt Me |
But if we move PMS, someone who has been absent for a while won't be able to find it.
Not that we ever discuss anything so interesting that someone who's been gone that long would still feel compelled to respond.
Shake your windows and rattle your walls.
#006 | Jacehan |
The reason to stay is that it's always here. You say that someone who is absent for some time can come back and look over the posts they missed. But if someone is absent during the move, they come back and see nothing and don't know where the board went.
"To truly live, one must first be born." ~ Evan [aX]
Paper Mario Social:
The Safe Haven of GameFAQs. (Board 2000083)
#007 | Jacehan |
*high-fives DIM*
"To truly live, one must first be born." ~ Evan [aX]
Paper Mario Social:
The Safe Haven of GameFAQs. (Board 2000083)
#008 | willis5225 |
It'll be like that whole Roanoke thing all over again. Only it'll be entirely because of someone's PMS.

In other news, acronym still funny.
Set signature in options page.
#009 | Kodiologist |
Let me point out that it would not be hard to automatically post occasional topics on GameFAQs saying "PMS has moved to http://example.com".

"If I pick nine, you'd better not be racist against me!"
"No promises, niney."
#010 | HeyDude |
I don't wanna move, I don't ever wanna move, and I'm annoyed at how often this gets brought up.
#011 | freepizza |
Perhaps you guys aren't as impressed by the benefits, but if they sound good to you, I would like to know convincing reasons for staying.

Reasons to leave

-no silly moderations
-avatars (not great but it's cool)
-no topic purge
-general complete control of the environment

Reasons to stay


Add if you like...

"...you should try reading my posts being getting all emo." --FoxMetal
#012 | freepizza |
Let me double post and say that I am not trying to belittle nostalgia, but personally I don't think this particular web address is as important as that we are together no matter where.
"...you should try reading my posts being getting all emo." --FoxMetal
#013 | Kodiologist |
From: freepizza | Posted: 7/11/2010 10:52:28 PM | #011
-avatars (not great but it's cool)


Some more reasons to leave:
- Real hyperlinks. (Linkification is really nice, but it would also be nice if one could have the text of a link be something other than the URL itself.)
- HTML lists.
- Longer posts.
- Unicode.
- LaTeX.
- <code> or <tt> tags.

Another reason to stay:
- GameFAQs is very reliable.

But apparently, only Travis and I are at all interested, so so much for that.

"If I pick nine, you'd better not be racist against me!"
"No promises, niney."
#014 | TheLoneRebel |
I'm slightly interested, but its not something I would campaign for, I barely use gamefaqs nowadays anyway.

My meaningless, expensive, dangerous game is better than your meaningless, expensive, dangerous game!-Mimir
#015 | Mith |
All you need to do is say the word and PMS has it's own private board on LF.

http://lostfacts.org/boards<-Oh look, it changed.
3/>- Gavi
#016 | Ocarinakid2 |
I guess this would be filed under nostalgia, but I've grown accustomed to GameFAQs' strange, often terrible board setup. Who needs to edit posts? Make your first try count! And do so without swearing.

Kinda joking but kinda don't want to leave.
#017 | Kylo Force |
I might not post every day (working on it) but I do try to at least read the board every day. For whatever that counts for. Another board is ok but not my first choice.
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v129/ukealii50/kylo.jpg - Thanks uke!
http://img193.imageshack.us/img193/829/07kyloforce.png - Thanks Diyosa!
#018 | BUM |
I would go to another board I guess, but I don't really see any reason to do so. I don't do fancy computery stuff like linkification (I almost never go to links supplied anyways, even if it means I don't know what's going on). Also I don't think anyone gets modded and if they do they probably deserved it, and if anyone was gone so long they couldn't read up on all the topics before they were purged, well, they probably didn't give that much of a damn in the first place.

Rather, I think we'd lose potential posters. Utar, Po3, and others were migrants to this board some time ago. Lots of people have found their way here on accident. I don't know how other boards work, maybe people can find them on accident, but it doesn't seem as likely as it is on GameFAQs.

So I'm against it. I'd go along with it if it happened, but I wouldn't encourage it unless the admins were closing PMS.
#019 | willis5225 |
I do covet avatars, but this has been tried before.
Set signature in options page.