Kodi Arfer / Wisterwood

I just got literally bored to tears

Topic List
#001 | Dont Interrupt Me |
It's quite uncomfortable to be eating a sandwich while crying.
Was it a car or a cat I saw?
#002 | AzumarillMan |
Awww. You OK, man?
Seth: What are you making?
Evan: I'm just drilling holes. Last two weeks, **** it.
#003 | Dont Interrupt Me |
Yeah, I'm fine. I ended up hanging with a couple of friends.
Was it a car or a cat I saw?
#004 | AzumarillMan |
I know, the whole humans being inherently social creatures gets annoying at times, but most of the time it's totally worth it.
Seth: What are you making?
Evan: I'm just drilling holes. Last two weeks, **** it.
#005 | Dont Interrupt Me |
I'm not sure what that has to do with my recreational emotion, but I guess that's probably true?
Was it a car or a cat I saw?
#006 | Kodiologist |
This is one of those topics that makes less sense the more I read of it.
"Monads are easy. Think of them as burritos."
#007 | freepizza |
He was bored, not lonely.
"...you should try reading my posts being getting all emo." --FoxMetal
#008 | willis5225 |
Quotation of post #006 by Kodiologist

I feel ya.
Willis, it seems like every other time you post, I need to look up a word that's in the OED or Urban Dictionary but not both.
#009 | AzumarillMan |
He was bored, not lonely.

Seth: What are you making?
Evan: I'm just drilling holes. Last two weeks, **** it.
#010 | LinkPrime1 |
From: willis5225 | #008
Quotation of post #006 by Kodiologist

I feel ya.

Well, there is a new accent of n00b language. It's called: Vet LUEser goes Foreign!-MegaSpy22
Those must be the pants of the gods!-Digitalpython
#011 | AzumarillMan |
Shai was bored. He socialized. He ceased being bored.

But of course that's just a coincidence, right?
Seth: What are you making?
Evan: I'm just drilling holes. Last two weeks, **** it.
#012 | Dont Interrupt Me |
I was still mostly bored. I just wasn't crying because what would my friends think, right?
Was it a car or a cat I saw?
#013 | Kylo Force |
The last time I cried I was in the company of many friends.

I was cooking dinner for everyone and was chopping up onions and didn't run them under cold water first though.
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v129/ukealii50/kylo.jpg - Thanks uke!
http://img193.imageshack.us/img193/829/07kyloforce.png - Thanks Diyosa!