There's a user in my organization named Richard Hunt... and he has the bravery to go by Dick. I really don't know why he would...
C*** juggling thunder c***
Reference Blade 3
3/>- Gavi
People who make fun of the name "Dick" remind me of people who ask why our former ninth planet was named after a cartoon character. It's etymologically backwards.
"Abstainer, n. A weak person who yields to the temptation of denying himself a pleasure."
On-topic: "Hershel Schick". What makes it all the funnier is that the Hershel Schick I know of picked the name for himself.
"Abstainer, n. A weak person who yields to the temptation of denying himself a pleasure."
I have a lot of Cambodian and Thai friends with names that I'm pretty sure I've never pronounced correctly.
The high school kids I mentored last year had a friend named Thunderstorm who went by Thunder.
My friends know a girl named Charisma. Luckily for her, she has it.
--- - Thanks uke! - Thanks Diyosa!
@Kylo: Nice
@Kodi: The slang has already been established for a while though, so at this point if you are a new user of the nickname Dick or even if you're continuing, it's at your own risk.
Yeah, Thai names have some pretty ridiculous spellings. I bet if I knew more about the Thai language, the English spellings would make more sense.
Aside from the Thai names I know, I know of a girl named China--except she's actually a blonde-haired blue-eyed completely white person.
"A period"
~~This is what I like to add to the end of almost every sentence.~~