Kodi Arfer / Wisterwood

I went to a wedding today.

Topic List
#001 | Kylo Force |
Irish groom, Jewish bride. The bride was a girl I've known since we were both freshmen in college. I'd never been to a wedding that wasn't a Filipino / Catholic wedding before, so it was a fun experience. I enjoyed seeing the groom stomp on glass to break it, though I thought it would have been more spectacular than it already was.

I hadn't seen my friends from back then in awhile. I was also reminded how short I am in that group. At 5' 11", I'm the second shortest guy in our group of friends (of about 7). Complete reversal from my (now) regular group of friends, whom I tower over (since I'm 5' 11" and almost all of my friends are now Asian.)

Several old ladies complimented me on my dance skills at the reception. In the back of my mind, I kept thinking about how inferior my dance skills are to nearly everyone else that I know in my other group of friends.

tl;dr: I went to an Irish/Jewish wedding for the first time and was reminded that when I'm not with other Asian people I'm short and a good dancer.
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v129/ukealii50/kylo.jpg - Thanks uke!
http://img193.imageshack.us/img193/829/07kyloforce.png - Thanks Diyosa!
#002 | HeyDude |
Dude, me and Travis went to a wedding (mutual non-PMSian friend) that day too. Just got back home -- was in Tennessee.
#003 | Jacehan |
Maybe you should hang out with those friends more often, to boost your confidence in your dance skills.
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