Kodi Arfer / Wisterwood

Random Zeldas

Topic List
#001 | Kodiologist |
http://www.fns.usda.gov/ora/menu/Published/snap/FILES/ProgramOperations/FSPFoodRestrictions.pdf - Wherein the USDA rejects the concept of unhealthy food.

http://imgur.com/a/66Nyz - Wat.

octopuses : octopi : octopodes :: address : URL : URI
Smash Bros. : tires don exits :: Transformers : trukk not munky
#002 | HeyDude |
I enjoy them, but how's that relate to Zelda?
#003 | Kodiologist |
I figured I'd learn from Gary and pre-empt all the images of Link.

octopuses : octopi : octopodes :: address : URL : URI
Smash Bros. : tires don exits :: Transformers : trukk not munky
#004 | Kodiologist | | (edited)
https://www.optoutprescreen.com/opt_form.cgi - Opt out of a whole class of junk mail.

octopuses : octopi : octopodes :: address : URL : URI
Smash Bros. : tires don exits :: Transformers : trukk not munky
#005 | HeyDude |
I fully read and USDA thing. It's actually interesting and competently thought out and written.
#006 | Kodiologist |
I know, right? I've yet to read it in full, actually, but it struck me as the sort of thoughtful, evenhanded, science-based report that gives me faith in American government.

http://www.thejc.com/lifestyle/food/25127/why-israel-a-latke-free-zone - A sad article on the death of the latke in Israel.

octopuses : octopi : octopodes :: address : URL : URI
Smash Bros. : tires don exits :: Transformers : trukk not munky
#007 | Kodiologist |
I just had pork chops and latkes for dinner. Surprisingly, I've yet to be smitten by any angry deities.

octopuses : octopi : octopodes :: address : URL : URI
Smash Bros. : tires don exits :: Transformers : trukk not munky
#008 | Kodiologist |
http://govindtiwari.blogspot.com - Best site ever?

"As for me, I can neither drum nor trumpet, nor tell jokes, nor fart amusingly at parties, nor play the harp."
#009 | Kylo Force |
Spent some time editing myself a new cover picture for Facebook. This didn't take nearly as much time as I thought it would.

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v129/ukealii50/kylo.jpg - Thanks uke!
http://img193.imageshack.us/img193/829/07kyloforce.png - Thanks Diyosa!
#010 | PaperSpock |
I don't know if this making me nostalgic is odd: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q7T2nt3xyIs
Fame is but a slow decay.
-Theodore Tilton
#011 | Jacehan |
Oh man, I remember playing Mind Maze a lot. Now that's something you don't get with Wikipedia.
"To truly live, one must first be born." ~ Evan [aX]
Paper Mario Social:
The Safe Haven of GameFAQs. (Board 2000083)
#012 | Kodiologist |
So it turns out that the APA publishes children's books, all of them of a vaguely unsettling clinical flavor.


In the one about-the-author page I looked at, the author happened to be a graduate of my own institution who, I am told, has a "Master's degree in Clinical Psychology", which is strange considering that our psychology department has only one master's program, which doesn't distinguish between fields. Perhaps she entered as a doctoral student and then dropped out?

"As for me, I can neither drum nor trumpet, nor tell jokes, nor fart amusingly at parties, nor play the harp."
#013 | Kodiologist |
http://pastehtml.com/ - Two-click single-page zero-fuss web hosting.

"A wise spellweaver always writes in pencil."
#014 | Kodiologist |
http://arfer.net/x/confidence-intervals.pdf - Frequentist statistics is weird.

"A wise spellweaver always writes in pencil."
#015 | Kylo Force |

This is my favorite joke/story ever. I've been telling this joke ever since I saw this commercial. I only recently discovered that this commercial is from 2001.
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v129/ukealii50/kylo.jpg - Thanks uke!
http://img193.imageshack.us/img193/829/07kyloforce.png - Thanks Diyosa!
#016 | HeyDude |

This is one of my faves.