Kodi Arfer / Wisterwood

Bummed about Dan Harmon being essentially fired from Community.

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#001 | PaperSpock |
I understand that he was a bit of a jerk, and there were legitimate complaints against him (he turned in scripts late, went over budget from time to time, etc.), but I really think he's been the heart of Community. It feels almost as bad as if, say, rather than cancelling Firefly, they'd thrown Joss off and had other people continue it.

I'm not abandoning the show. I still like the actors and think they'll play whatever they're given amusingly, and I'm happy to hear that Megan Ganz is still going to be on the writing staff, as she's turned out some of my favorite episodes. But still, sadness.
Fame is but a slow decay.
-Theodore Tilton
#002 | Mith |
Isn't he the guy who leaked the Chevy Chase voicemails? I'm amazed they kept him on as long as they did.
I've looked at the world for quite a few years now and I've found that if I don't laugh, I'll probably end up crying.
#003 | PaperSpock |
Yeah. He didn't handle the managerial parts of his job well, but he often hit the creative side out of the park, at least for me.
Fame is but a slow decay.
-Theodore Tilton
#004 | willis5225 |
Eh. I like the show a great deal, but it's hard to sympathize when he describes himself as somebody who can't work on a project unless he can "say we're doing it my way or I quit eight times a day" (or whatever it was). Working "with" him must be hell, not just for the producers, but for the writers/actors/etc. You can't blame the guy for wanting to do it that way, but dude don't be a dick about it.

Anyway, I guess what I'm saying is "it will be interesting to see what changes occur next season, and whether they might be characterized as mostly positive or mostly negative."
Willis, it seems like every other time you post, I need to look up a word that's in the OED or Urban Dictionary but not both.