Kodi Arfer / Wisterwood

Anyone want to help me playtest some board games?

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#001 | Jacehan |
My projects for this summer involve making board games for my class, so I wanted to get some people to play them and see what goes wrong. If you would like, I could send you materials for a prototype that you could print out, play with some friends, and give back feedback. If you can't do that and still want to help, I could just show the Instruction Booklet and questions could arise from that.

I've got one done so far, am working on another. Any takers?
"To truly live, one must first be born." ~ Evan [aX]
Paper Mario Social:
The Safe Haven of GameFAQs. (Board 2000083)
#002 | ShadowSpy |
I don't think I have the people or time to actually playtest the board game, but I'm more than happy to look at the instruction manual.

I guess, send me a copy at spymaster.romulus at gmail.
"I always wanted to be somebody, but now I realize I should have been more specific."
#003 | Dont Interrupt Me |
I'd love to. Bring it on.
Was it a car or a cat I saw?
#004 | HeyDude |
I'll do the instruction booklet option, por favor
#005 | Jacehan |
Instruction Booklet:


Prototype Files:


To set-up the prototype, you need to build a board of four oversized radical signs, like in the attached picture. (I taped them together much like a real board game would be). Then print out the pdfs on card stock and cut. I recommend using different colors for the two different decks. (If you don't have card stock...I'm sure paper will do, it's just hard to use that as cards. Or could could write them by hand on cards like I did. Whichever works.)

The instruction booklet is attached. It should have everything you need for how to play, but if something is confusing, let me know, that means it should be in there.

Let me know how it goes, what needs improving, what's good, etc.
"To truly live, one must first be born." ~ Evan [aX]
Paper Mario Social:
The Safe Haven of GameFAQs. (Board 2000083)
#006 | Kodiologist |
In "The player whose age is closest to a perfect score", I think "score" should be "square".

You know that "All rights reserved" no longer has special legal meaning, right? It's an artifact of an obsolete international agreement. Now, you need only say "Copyright", the year, and the copyright-holder.

"did you know that in real life all those stats for how often the average person thinks about sex are ACTUALLY about ice cream?"
#007 | Jacehan |
I didn't know that.

The website I got the template from (thegamecrafter.com) had it in there, so I guess they don't know, either.
"To truly live, one must first be born." ~ Evan [aX]
Paper Mario Social:
The Safe Haven of GameFAQs. (Board 2000083)
#008 | LinkPrime1 |
Kodiologist posted...
In "The player whose age is closest to a perfect score", I think "score" should be "square".

You know that "All rights reserved" no longer has special legal meaning, right? It's an artifact of an obsolete international agreement. Now, you need only say "Copyright", the year, and the copyright-holder.

Not ENTIRELY correct. There are still some countries that don't recognize "copyright" as including "all rights reserved".

If you're really lazy, you can get away with it, but it doesn't hurt to have it on there.
Well, there is a new accent of n00b language. It's called: Vet LUEser goes Foreign!-MegaSpy22
Those must be the pants of the gods!-Digitalpython
#009 | Kodiologist |
From: LinkPrime1 | Posted: 7/6/2012 6:04:13 PM | #008
There are still some countries that don't recognize "copyright" as including "all rights reserved".

I challenge you! Provide a citation.

"And they call this psychology!"
#010 | LinkPrime1 |
Kodiologist posted...
From: LinkPrime1 | Posted: 7/6/2012 6:04:13 PM | #008
There are still some countries that don't recognize "copyright" as including "all rights reserved".

I challenge you! Provide a citation.

Umm....My BLAW professor? I'm not too sure how to fit that into MLA...

I wish I remember exactly what he said, but this was back last fall. I do remember him saying that it is not all inclusive to every country though, or all of your rights are not covered, or something to that extent...

Basically, just play it safe and add those 3 extra words.
Well, there is a new accent of n00b language. It's called: Vet LUEser goes Foreign!-MegaSpy22
Those must be the pants of the gods!-Digitalpython
#011 | Kodiologist |
http://www.iusmentis.com/copyright/allrightsreserved/ mentions one exception. I wouldn't worry about it.

"And they call this psychology!"
#012 | Jacehan |
I actually got some testing done at the conference I went to and made some changes, then published the game. But if you guys still have some feedback, I'd like to here it. Otherwise it's on to the next game!

"To truly live, one must first be born." ~ Evan [aX]
Paper Mario Social:
The Safe Haven of GameFAQs. (Board 2000083)