Kodi Arfer / Wisterwood

Fake, but

Topic List
#001 | Mith |
How sweet would this be?

Especially if King agreed to not play a part in it. He's a phenomenal story teller when it comes to print, but seems to be lacking in the TV magic. Every adaption of his books that was any good, he didn't touch and all of the ones that sucked (of which there are many) he insisted on having a hand in.

I've looked at the world for quite a few years now and I've found that if I don't laugh, I'll probably end up crying.
#002 | willis5225 |
I read the first couple of issues of the comic before realizing that it wasn't an adaptation, but yet another chapter to this sprawling epic that made Kujo exist in the same universe as The Shining. I realized I didn't have that level of dedication to the man or the project and kinda gave up.

I will say the art was pretty baller.
Willis, it seems like every other time you post, I need to look up a word that's in the OED or Urban Dictionary but not both.