Kodi Arfer / Wisterwood

Schopenhauer and Disneyland

Topic List
#001 | Kodiologist |
I had separate ideas for two very different topics, but then I decided to brazenly smoosh them together in the spirit of Alex's so-what-color-are-those-pills-in-Doctor-Mario-and-also-by-the-way-by-girlfriend-is-pregnant topic.

So, what is PMS's opinion on Schopenhauer? I'm not a big fan of academic philosophy in general, as I discovered two semesters into my abortive philosophy minor, but I'm drawn to Schopenhauer for his emphasis on the inescapability of suffering and the importance of asceticism. I got an abridged version of The World as Will and Idea/Representation/Presentation at the library today. We'll see how far I get into it.

Disneyland is the sort of thing that in general I'm not even remotely interested in—I mean, I like neither movies nor travel, and that's just for starters—and yet it feels too legendary to miss. It's kind of like the Bible: I read the Bible and didn't get much out of it but I don't regret it. Also, "Imagineer" is the best job title I've ever heard of.

"And they call this psychology!"