Kodi Arfer / Wisterwood

Sex differences for banned words

Topic List
#001 | Kodiologist |
So I made a topic on Ask the Mods saying:

Why is "****oris" a (partly) banned word, but "penis" isn't? The organs are homologous. The asymmetry seems kind of sexist, and it seems silly that the ordinary term (as opposed to a slang term) for the ****oris is forbidden.

gmo7897 replied:

There are going to be more legitimate discussions related to the penis than the c*******. Discussion of the latter is almost always going to turn into something more vulgar than what's appropriate for a video game site.

I can't say I'm convinced. I blame hysterical raisins. GameFAQs has gotten saner in many ways since SBAllen took over, but there remains work to be done.

One man's converging evidence is another man's pilpul.
#002 | willis5225 | | (edited)
Raisins? T9ism or a slang term as opposed to an ordinary term?

Anyway, I mean, you're right, but they kind of have a point. One word sees a much wider use (e.g. as a pejorative) while the other is used primarily in clinical and erotic contexts. In a practical way, restricting each one produces unlike levels of restriction.

You are right though.
Willis, it seems like every other time you post, I need to look up a word that's in the OED or Urban Dictionary but not both.
#003 | Kodiologist |
Raisins? T9ism or a slang term as opposed to an ordinary term?

This: http://www.catb.org/jargon/html/H/hysterical-reasons.html . Although, the sort of historical reason I blame is this context is pure inertia, not backwards-compatibility issues.

Anyway, I mean, you're right, but they kind of have a point. One word sees a much wider use (e.g. as a pejorative) while the other is used primarily in clinical and erotic contexts.

My similar but distinct guess is that it has to do with how the penis has excretory and reproductive functions but the ****oris doesn't: it produces erotic sensation and nothing else.

One man's converging evidence is another man's pilpul.
#004 | Kodiologist |
I mean, that's my guess as to why it is a general rule that saying "****oris" will get more heads to turn than "penis".

One man's converging evidence is another man's pilpul.
#005 | willis5225 |
It's also possible we're both overthinking it/being overly generous and it's because men have penises and women's sexuality is gross and frightening.

Let's not forget that this *is* at its heart a video game website for pubescent boys.

As an aside, if I get modded for this post, it'll be a valuable data point.
Willis, it seems like every other time you post, I need to look up a word that's in the OED or Urban Dictionary but not both.
#006 | willis5225 |
Oh, which I guess is precisely what you were saying now that I know what hysterical raisins are.
Willis, it seems like every other time you post, I need to look up a word that's in the OED or Urban Dictionary but not both.
#007 | Kodiologist |
Well, I was blaming fear of sexuality in general more than fear of female sexuality in particular. But now that I think about it, it's probably a little of both.

One man's converging evidence is another man's pilpul.
#008 | willis5225 |
Oh right.
Willis, it seems like every other time you post, I need to look up a word that's in the OED or Urban Dictionary but not both.
#009 | BUM |
Female sexuality is weird and scary.
#010 | BUM |
(Hope that cleared things up)