Kodi Arfer / Wisterwood

Phrases that remind you of a particularly nice use of them

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#001 | Kodiologist |
When I hear the phrase "'me' time" (as in "I need some more 'me' time"), I always think of this:


One man's converging evidence is another man's pilpul.
#002 | Kodiologist |
The term "snake", in the sense meaning a sly person, reminds me of Arcturus Mengsk's line "Don't worry, Jim. He's our snake now." Oh man, his voice acting was great; I also fondly remember "I'm not asking you to like it. I'm asking you to do it."

I'm not dead yet.
#003 | Kylo Force |
This will probably make little sense to people who haven't played FFXIII, but there's an exchange between characters that I first thought was sort of cheesy, but the more I think about it, I really liked the wordplay.

Glossary: A "L'Cie" is a person who has been given magic / enhanced abilities by the gods, but are demonized by the regular population as bringers of destruction because of their abilities.

The heroes have just encountered a villain they have been pursuing and are trying to pry more information out of him.

Villain: "You saw the fools! A mindless mob drunk on fear of a few l'Cie!"
The hero: *wielding her sword* "If only they knew a l'Cie was the one filling their glasses!"

I don't know, it sticks out to me as clever.
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v129/ukealii50/kylo.jpg - Thanks uke!
http://img193.imageshack.us/img193/829/07kyloforce.png - Thanks Diyosa!
#004 | HeyDude |
Uh, how do you pronounce that? I don't get it.
#005 | Kylo Force |
"l'cie" is pronounced close to "luh-SEE." I have astrong feeling it was an unusual looking Romanization of the Japanese term that was used in the game.
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v129/ukealii50/kylo.jpg - Thanks uke!
http://img193.imageshack.us/img193/829/07kyloforce.png - Thanks Diyosa!