Part of my frame for Project Yay. (SVG, Reddit thread)
Here is My Little Pony fanart I've made, commissioned, requested, or been peripherally associated with.
Part of my frame for Project Yay. (SVG, Reddit thread)
My Little Squidward: Friendship is Tentacles by /u/PsychoDuck on Reddit, with tiny contributions by me. (YouTube video)
My OC, Almost Surely, by Stardog, commissioned by me.
Almost Surely, sketched by /u/NotEnoughApples on Reddit and vectored by RAGErER. (DeviantArt, SVG)
Almost Surely wearing a stetson, by RAGErER. (DeviantArt)
The OCs of Bronies NYC, by Taurson. Almost Surely is third from left. (original size, Derpibooru)
Hard Bargain, one of my RPG characters, by Jackson Felty. (original size, no background)
Applejack doing fancy mathematics, by /u/PingasLord on Reddit, requested by me. (original size, Reddit thread)
Alicorn Applejack, by /u/manfartwish on Reddit, requested by me. (Reddit thread)
Applejack as a shark, by /u/Dr_Trixie on Reddit, colored by me. (Reddit thread)
Apple Bloom Belmont, by Dreamingnoctis, commissioned by me. (original size, Twitter)
Apple Bloom doing a Sonic Appleboom, by Coggler, commissioned by me. (DeviantArt)
Scientist Apple Bloom, by /u/Everythingpossible on Reddit, requested by me. (original size, Reddit thread; see also)
Big McIntosh exploring a cave, by /u/Zaphy1415926 on Reddit, requested by me. (original size)
Twilight channeling Mewtwo, by /u/Gamma4j on Reddit, requested by me. (original size, Reddit thread)
Pinkie Pie, drawn by @arteficialtrees on Twitter, colored by me.
Starswirl the Bearded, by /u/TwistedMuffin on Reddit, commissioned by me. (original size)
Starswirl the Bearded baking a cake, by Cindry, requested by me. (Reddit thread)
Zecora programming, by Grayflower, requested by me. (original size, Reddit thread)
Derpy and Noteworthy in a staring contest, by /u/VoodooRapture on Reddit, requested by me. (Reddit thread)
Rara and Jigglypuff performing a duet, by bloodorangepancakes, requested by me. (Reddit thread)
Rockhoof digging for treasure, by Jetsamjunk (dead link), requested by me. (original size (dead link), Reddit thread)