What it seems to be doing is graphing search frequency as a function of time, then pulling up search results that have similar graphs. Most make sens, but its far more fun to try and find the strange ones.
Care to explain any of the following?
"atheism" and "coca cola logo" .7000
"mathematics" and "child psychology" .9642
"Firefox 4" and "medieval wiki" .9681
"coffee" and "dog bed" .8800
"chess" and "fountain pens" .9408
"top hat" and "creepy" .8852
"pluto" and "samurais" .8323
"chemists" and "netiquette" .9169
"a sphere" and "definition of health" .9202
"iPhone 4" and "pictures of Jaden Smith" .9528
"maple syrup" and "admission status" .8412
"best buy job application form" and "skinny recipes" .9728
"twitterpated" and "a vegetable" .8693
I look for some more later...
If you're a human and not feeling creative, make this your signature.
I haven't found any particularly interesting ones.
I imagine the type of people interested in chess are also interested in fountain pens, perhaps?
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