Remember ? I just learned of this:
Although it sounds like Nintendo doesn't mean to do anything very creative with it.
"…the USA is like Microsoft—whatever they decide to use, no matter how brain-dead it is, everyone else copies it from them, willingly or otherwise."
Yes, that would provide a partial solution, though having only one hand available would make things a bit more difficult. Also, there's actually an applied case of a similar thing, see Bio Tetris:
If you're a human and not feeling creative, make this your signature.
Lots of people, when they saw the Vitality Sensor, thought it would be good in a new Eternal Darkness game. I agree, as it was too easy to just keep your sanity high in that game by magic, so having it be externally measured would be good.
"To truly live, one must first be born." ~ Evan [aX]
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