Kodi Arfer / Wisterwood

Lucky (or unlucky) assigned numbers

Topic List
#001 | Kodiologist |
In modern life, one gets assigned a lot of arbitrary numbers, from SSNs to mailing addresses to IP addresses to telephone numbers to student IDs. Without compromising any sensitive information (duh), can you cite any numbers that you were particularly amused or annoyed to receive?

In college, my mailbox number was 300, which I thought was pretty cool until I learned that some student organization having to do with Nothing But Nets had box 1337.

One benefit of having a surname starting with "A" is that I often come first. In eighth grade, when my Spanish teacher took attendance by having everyone call out numbers starting from uno, I was #1. Which was nice, except that I payed so little attention in Spanish class that I usually had to be prodded to get the count going.

"He is a master of 'Social Net-Working,' which, I am given to understand, is the use of certain vile technologies to advertise the existence of advertising itself, a practice which seems long overdue."
#002 | HeyDude |
I like my address, 321 Gardendale. I think it's cute, like Little-House-On-The-Prairie-cute.
#003 | DarthMarth |
My favorite teacher ever always like to tell the story of why his favorite number is 352. (I actually don't remember the exact number, but it's somewhere in the 350s) During the Vietnam War draft they assigned every birthday a random number between 1 and 365 to denote the order you would be drafted in. People with numbers below 120 knew they were going to be drafted and might as well enlist; between 120 and 240 you might or might not have to go. Anyway, that was his number and it's been his favorite every since.
DarthMarth - Better than a bowl of Cheerios.
#004 | Solomine |
I already did my time, so I will be exempt from any drafts that ever happen.
Milt, the other white beverage!
#005 | Kodiologist |
I made the dangerous mistake of registering with Selective Service a few years ago. I guess I'm betting my eyesight can keep me away from combat. I feel I ought to count as a conscientious objector, but I don't think a review board would be impressed by someone who—well, the closest I get to practicing pacifism in my day-to-day life is that I don't call people names.

"He is a master of 'Social Net-Working,' which, I am given to understand, is the use of certain vile technologies to advertise the existence of advertising itself, a practice which seems long overdue."