No more of this "8-hour to finish" garbage that we've seen gaming decline to over the last decade or so. This is why I love hardcore RPGs - not because I'm in to fairys and magic and all that garbage, but because of the complex stories and the amount of time it takes to finish.
Granted, I don't really play video games anymore, but man do I miss the days of sitting down with a turn-based RPG that I could log 20-30 hours in to. Total sense of satisfaction, as opposed to the 6-hour letdown of something like The Force Unleashed 2.
"A special effect without a story is a pretty boring thing." - George Lucas
Yep. Seems like we only get that from Bioware these days.
Did someone say really long turn-based RPGs?
"He is a master of 'Social Net-Working,' which, I am given to understand, is the use of certain vile technologies to advertise the existence of advertising itself, a practice which seems long overdue."
*currently playing Persona 3*
Did someone say turn-based?
Well, there is a new accent of n00b language. It's called: Vet LUEser goes Foreign!-MegaSpy22
Those must be the pants of the gods!-Digitalpython
Look into Ys 7 if you have a PSP. On the whiole, most of the Ys series can be beaten in about 6-8 hour mark if you rush it, but I've never spent less than 20 hours on any of them. Ys 7 is a bit longer than the others though. I'm at 16 hours and I know I have at least 10-15 more to go to complete it.
And I just realized I didn't describe it. Think Legend of Mana/(the first) Legend of Zelda meets interesting characters and engrossing storyline. I also enjoy how the enemies don't just get a color palatte swap to suddenly become more dangerous. If you are going to play them, start with The Ark of Napishtim, followed by Oath in Felghana (still can't beat the last guy, f*** is he hard), lastly 7.
3/>- Gavi
This is why I love Oblivion. Once I get the basic engine of my game done, I'll look into procedural generation, which could provide nigh-unlimited replay value.
DarthMarth - Better than a bowl of Cheerios.