I was shocked, but I'm very pleased with their compensation for early adopters.
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I am pleased with this price slash, as I can now afford a 3DS when I can spare a little bit of money that's not being devoted to collegial purposes. Still, I'm spending $200 on a 3DS and Ocarina of Time remake; however, that is much better than spending $250.
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Wow, that's pretty nuts. How are they compensating early adopters?
To compensate for the price drop of $80, they're giving away 10 free NES games and 10 free GBA games to all who visit the eShop before the price change. I've played most of the ones they've announced (five on each), but still, having them on a single handheld will be nice; they're mostly games I've enjoyed.
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In addition, they will not be available to any other customers.
I HAVE BEEN REBORN! http://i840.photobucket.com/albums/zz325/Mountrussmore/Transformation.jpg
Actually, they've stated they have plans to eventually bring the NES games to the general public, and that they have "no plans" of bringing the GBA games to all. I'd be surprised if they never came up with any plans to bring the GBA games to the general public.
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