Kodi Arfer / Wisterwood

Cause and Effect: I get a knife, I drink more water.

Topic List
#001 | PaperSpock |
So, I got a Swiss Army Knife, and as a result, I'm not drinking more water. I'd like to see if any of you can guess how one caused the other.
If you're a human and not feeling creative, make this your signature.
#002 | DarthMarth |
Bottle opener?
DarthMarth - Better than a bowl of Cheerios.
#003 | Kodiologist |
The topic title and the topic post contradict each other. Which is right?

"…and the colonel was certainly not going to waste his time and energy making love to beautiful women unless there was something in it for him."
#004 | HeyDude |
I'm guessing in the post he meant to say "now"
#005 | PaperSpock |
Yep, I mean now.
If you're a human and not feeling creative, make this your signature.
#006 | ShadowSpy |
Every time you see a water pipe, you can no longer resist breaking it open with some doodad on your Swiss Army Knife (probably the water pipe opener). But once you break open the pipe, you realize you have to do something with the water, so you drink it. All of it.
"I always wanted to be somebody, but now I realize I should have been more specific."
#007 | BUM |
You knifed your artery and need to replenish the blood loss.

Point, me.
#008 | Jacz the Mage |
The Swiss Army gives you water rations every day.
"You can't keep throwing people at your problems, dear." - Emma Frost to Colossus
#009 | LinkPrime1 |
Quotation of post #007 by BUM

Beat me to it.
Well, there is a new accent of n00b language. It's called: Vet LUEser goes Foreign!-MegaSpy22
Those must be the pants of the gods!-Digitalpython
#010 | PaperSpock |
Beat me to it.

I'm PaperSpock, not PaperScotty! :P

But basically, while marathoning some TV shows, I've been seeing what sorts of shapes I can cut out of water bottles using my Swiss Army Knife (I've gotten a pretty nifty spider-shape out of the bottom). But I make quick work of a bottle, so I'm encouraged to drink down another so I've got more material to work with.
If you're a human and not feeling creative, make this your signature.
#011 | PaperSpock |
>_< I misread that as "Beam me to it."
If you're a human and not feeling creative, make this your signature.