Kodi Arfer / Wisterwood

ITT: Post your custom dictionary for your spellchecker

Topic List
#001 | Kodiologist |
Here's how to find Word's dictionary on your hard disk:


To change the newlines to commas, use this:


And here's mine:

abelian, accessor, acetylcholine, affectively, afterwards, agonist, agonists, aleph, amygdala, amygdalae, amygdaloid, analyses, anaphrodisiac, anaphrodisiacs, Androcur, anhedonia, ANOVA, anthropomorphize, antiparkinsonian, apperception, Archimedean, assumedly, benzodiazepine, betweenness, bijective, biohazard, Bolzano, boundedly, café, calendrical, castrati, cementhead, cerebrospinal, CIs, codomain, colinear, colonoscopy, comorbidity, construal, contralateral, contrapositive, coordinatizing, copasetic, coprime, corticostriatal, could've, counterintuitive, counterintuitively, creatureliness, Cthulhu, curlies, cyproterone, decussate, decussates, defeatingly, deinonychus, diagnosticity, disinhibited, dissociable, distractibility, distractor, dizygotic, dopaminergic, Dopp, draconic, dyphemistic, dysphemism, dysthymia, dystopia, echidna, efferents, electrophysiological, epistemologist, epistemologists, eponym, equicontinuity, equicontinuous, ESMS, ESRB, esurient, eunuchism, eurythmy, evaluability, examinee, excitatory, exponentiate, extraversion, eyeblink, FFI, Firefox, fMRI, forbiddance, formulae, Fraenkel, Freitas, frequentialist, gametogenesis, gauge, gauges, genotyped, genotyping, geocentrism, glutamatergic, golems, Google, gustation, haloperidol, haplotype, Hashanah, hearteningly, homeomorphic, housecat, Hsee, hypercyclic, hypercyclicity, iff, impulsivity, indices, individual's, infimum, injective, injectivity, interdimensional, interlibrary, interquartile, introns, ionotropic, ipsilateral, irreducibles, Kahneman, LaTeX, leapt, lesioned, Likert, limbic, Lipschitz, luminiferous, mage, mages, manual's, may've, Meadville, MediaWiki, medroxyprogesterone, metabotropic, metacharacter, metacharacters, metacognition, midline, might've, millennia, monotreme, monozygotic, mooks, motivationally, multi, multilinear, multilinearity, multiplayer, multiverse, MZ, namespace, nauseam, NEO, neuroeconomics, neuroscientific, neuroscientist, neuroscientists, neuroticism, NFA, nmol, nociception, nondecreasing, nondeterministic, nondeterministically, nonincreasing, nonnegative, nonpositive, nonreflexivity, nonsignificant, nonsingular, norepinephrine, numerousness, Obama, occluder, olfaction, one's, online, operationalize, operationalized, ostensive, ostensively, overweighted, paroxetine, passant, Paxil, platykurtic, Poincaré, postsynaptic, pramipexole, prefrontal, preimage, prepended, prepending, preprocessing, preprocessor, primality, principal's, priori, proband, probands, programmatically, progressivism, progressivist, progressivists, proven, pseudofamiliarity, psychodynamic, psychodynamics, psychometrically, psychometrics, psychopharmaceutical, psychopharmacology, qualia, Rakudo, RCN, recommender, recommenders, reconceptualization, regex, relatedly, resampling, reStructuredText, Rosh, rostral, sanitization, screenshot, sedulity, shapeshift, shapeshifter, shapeshifting, should've, singlemindedly, sinusoids, somatosensory, someone's, Spearman, speciation, species's, spellcaster, SSRI, striatal, striatum, subordinator, subscale, subscales, subsequence, subsequences, superclass, superclass's, superset, suprema, supremum, surjection, surjective, surjectivity, synchronism, syngamy, technobabble, teleport, teleportation, teleported, teleporting, test's, Tetlock, themself, thingie, tormentous, Tourette, transduced, trichotomy, tuple, Tversky, Ubuntu, uncoincidentally, underrepresentation, underweighted, undrugged, untraversable, unyieldingly, vampirism, vengefulness, ventromedial, vigintillion, vigintillions, vortices, Wechsler, weighings, whitespace, wiki, y'know, Zermelo, ZFC, ziggurat, ziggurats.
#002 | Kodiologist |
Dang, wonder how long I've been misspelling "collinear".

Change your signature once a month for optimal health, and don't forget to backslash your backslashes.
#003 | HeyDude |
Quotation of post #002 by Kodiologist

Copacetic, too.
#004 | Kodiologist |
Good catch, thanks. I knew PMS was good for something.

Change your signature once a month for optimal health, and don't forget to backslash your backslashes.
#005 | HeyDude |
I don't have one, by the way, because I don't use word processing programs any more now that I'm not in school. I've wiped my computer since I got out of school, so all the old stuff is gone.

Yours reads like I imagine Sheldon's would from Big Bang Theory.

Also, if "dyphemistic, dysphemism" are related, you forgot an S in dyphemistic.
#006 | Kodiologist |
From: HeyDude | Posted: 10/14/2011 12:40:37 PM | #005
I don't have one, by the way, because I don't use word processing programs any more now that I'm not in school.

But you do check your spelling with something other than GameFAQs's spellchecker, no?

Yours reads like I imagine Sheldon's would from Big Bang Theory.

I'm not sure whether to be offended or flattered.

Also, if "dyphemistic, dysphemism" are related, you forgot an S in dyphemistic.

Right again!

Change your signature once a month for optimal health, and don't forget to backslash your backslashes.
#007 | HeyDude |
No. I don't check my spelling. I spell every word I want to use correctly. If I want to use a word and don't know it, I go to m-w.com and type my best guess and it'll be in the "did you mean ____?" entries, but that rarely, rarely happens.
#008 | PaperSpock |
I'm working mostly in Google Docs, and I haven't been able to figure out how to access the words I've added, which is uncool, since I'm sure I've added a misspelling or two.

On a side note, I love how Google Chrome automatically underlines any misspelled words.
Fame is but a slow decay.
-Theodore Tilton
#009 | DarthMarth |
Pretty sure colinear and collinear are different things. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collinearity
DarthMarth - Better than a bowl of Cheerios.