PM me your nominations (including categories you'd like to see this year!):
Favorite Lurker: Favorite Poster: Most Likely To Succeed: Most Political: Most Philosophical: Most Mathematical: Best Story Teller: Best Board "Presence": Coolest Topic:
I think you should just give one award to everyone who's around. Not me 'cause I haven't been, but it seems that there are less potential recipients than titles so just recognizing everyone might be a nice alternative. --- "I'm tryna get Jon Miller laid right now" - JFFMFB
You just don't understand man! IT's the PMS awards! The most coveted award ceremony on this green EARTH! It must stay as it has and always will be! --- Milt, the other white beverage!
Favorite Lurker: Toaps (1 out of 1 votes) Favorite Poster: BUM (1 out of 1 votes) Most Likely To Succeed: James (1 out of 1 votes) Most Political: Pooty Boy (1 out of 1 votes) Most Philosophical: BUM (1 out of 1 votes) Most Mathematical: Kodi (1 out of 1 votes) Best Story Teller: Pooty Boy (1 out of 1 votes) Best Board "Presence": Willis (1 out of 1 votes) Coolest Topic: It's been long enough: PMS Awards! (1 out of 1 votes)
In truth, I've always found the PMS Awards vaguely distasteful. But, having beaten in a strange sort of math contest two people who actually have careers in mathematics, I guess I shouldn't complain.
--- octopuses : octopi : octopodes :: address : URL : URI Smash Bros. : tires don exits :: Transformers : trukk not munky