Kodi Arfer / Wisterwood

Reasons why Aman left

Topic List
#001 | Pooty Boy |
List em.
"A special effect without a story is a pretty boring thing." - George Lucas
#002 | PaperSpock | | (edited)
The user interface on GameFAQs wasn't intuitive enough for him.

Seriously though, why did he leave? It was like he just stopped visiting out of nowhere.
Fame is but a slow decay.
-Theodore Tilton
#003 | Mith |
He realized he was a douche and took up meditation to atone for his sins?
I've looked at the world for quite a few years now and I've found that if I don't laugh, I'll probably end up crying.
#004 | freepizza |
Because...someone else needed him. Much like a more modern Mary Poppins.
"...you should try reading my posts being getting all emo." --FoxMetal
#005 | Kodiologist | | (edited)
He hates us for our ASCII 34.


Jordan, quoting Genesis 2:18: "It is not good for man to be alone."
Fred: "in genesis noah also put two of every animal on a boat when he was 600."
#006 | LinkPrime1 |
The new iLife, which makes everything in your life about, for, and because of, Apple.

There is no escape.
Well, there is a new accent of n00b language. It's called: Vet LUEser goes Foreign!-MegaSpy22
Those must be the pants of the gods!-Digitalpython
#007 | willis5225 | | (edited)
Quotes out of context topic used to be about the quotes, man.
Willis, it seems like every other time you post, I need to look up a word that's in the OED or Urban Dictionary but not both.
#008 | HeyDude |
+1 Mary Poppins