Oh dear. Well, as you are probably more or less aware, there are many general approaches to building websites, which vary along two dimensions of fanciness: how much fanciness you implement yourself, as by doing tricks with CSS or HTML5 or JavaScript or Flash or sever-side code or site-building code on your own machine, and how much pre-packaged fanciness you avail yourself of in the form of specialized design software (such as Dreamweaver), Web frameworks (such as Ruby on Rails or Catalyst), JavaScript libraries, and so on. There are potentially a great many decisions to be made about what kind of fanciness you want. As a rule, people are terrible at making these decisions, because they don't know what they're doing. Not to mention that many of these varieties of fanciness (e.g., Dreamweaver) are
tailored to people who don't know what they're doing, and therefore generally serve the purpose of enabling incompetence:
From: willis5225 | Posted: 5/17/2012 11:21:29 PM | #005
I have a friend that does custom web things. But she doesn't code them either she just hires freelance designers/coders/dbas/etc who do that.
The Web would be a better place without people like her.
What is boils down to, though, is what you want to do. If I understand correctly, your friend just needs a page of text with, perhaps, some images. This can be accomplished pretty easily. Here is a template:
For some free hosting on which to put your page, x10hosting is a reasonable choice:
Also, your friend knows that you can't
buy a domain name, only register it for fixed periods of time, right?
Jordan, quoting Genesis 2:18: "It is not good for man to be alone."
Fred: "in genesis noah also put two of every animal on a boat when he was 600."