Kodi Arfer / Wisterwood

My pants rotation is too small.

Topic List
#001 | Jacehan |
I mean, I know people wear the same pants repeatedly before washing, especially jeans. But several of my pants have ripped over time, and I've had a pile of them set aside to be repaired at a later date. And so my wearable pants count has dwindled. When my second to last pair ripped last week (I wore shorts over the weekend), well, I brought them to the cleaners to get cleaned and fixed, so I'm on one pair until Friday.

(Gaining weight also hasn't helped matters, as that also shrinks the rotation.)
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#002 | willis5225 |
I feel you dude. I now have like four pairs that don't fit (and indeed never really fit, but I purchased them at a more nihilistic time in my life) and like four that do, but one of those is (are?) white and invariably get(s) a faint dark patch over my wallet whenever I wear them(?). In addition to like passing trucks kicking up particulate. And then I have a pair of sweet brown pants, but I got them from like Kohl's so they are awful and don't stand up to my rough-and-tumble lifestyle.

(The crotch is going.)

And like I could/have repair(ed) such a thing but like... nah man. I'm just gonna buy new pants.
Willis, it seems like every other time you post, I need to look up a word that's in the OED or Urban Dictionary but not both.
#003 | HeyDude |
I have the opposite problem. My mother-in-law will not stop buying me clothes. I guess this is the kind of thing mothers and mothers-in-law do, but geez woman, I do not have the space to store these and so you're forcing me to throw out the pants I like only slightly less and was going to take pride in using until they were no longer socially acceptable.
#004 | BUM |
Clothes can be a real burden. So can too few.

*Sits down*
#005 | HeyDude |
Clothes are a funny thing. You have to have clothes, to buy clothes.