Ponyvania: Elegy of Eggheads

Created 26 Dec 2023 • Last modified 16 Jan 2024

Ponyvania: Order of Equestria (great game, by the way) has a lot of books as equipment. What if the player could read an excerpt from each book, like in an Elder Scrolls game?


pontist, an aficionado of bridges (see BRIDGE).

pontoon, a specially constructed floating object of some kind. Pontoons are used for improvised bridges as well as keeping unseaworthy vessels afloat. Filled with hot air or helium, pontoons are a cost-effective method for last-mile deliveries to Cloudsdale from shipping routes that start on land or sea.

pony, a miserable pile of secrets.

poodle, a breed of non-sporting dogs developed by earth ponies in Prance. Prized for their curly coats, poodles are developed in a number of varieties that differ in size. The small ones are remarkable for their ability to yip annoyingly, being second only to Chihuahuas in this regard.

pooka, from Old Coltic mythology, a fairy spirit and animal form, always very large. The pooka appears here and there, now and then, to this one and that one. A benign but mischievous creature. Very fond of rum pots, crackpots, and how are you, Mr. Wilson?

Tome of Arms

Alucard's Spear, a weapon used by a heroic half-vampire. Its past is shrouded in myth and comes to us largely through a single chronicler, known by the initials EGM. It may have once been held by Eric of Amber, a briefly reigning but influential king of a distant land, who would have been dethroned by an army led by his own brother had he not already died in battle with extradimensional invaders. The spear is now held in a royal vault in a secret location. According to rumor, it has an obscure connection to a terrible secret concerning Princess Celestia herself.

Ascalon, a massive sword wielded by Gusty the Great in her battle against the dragon Arboritrix. Said to be the mother of all timberwolves, Arboritrix was a vengeful spirit of the forest who arose not long after ponies began to clear the woods for farmland and firewood. The dragon wrought terrible destruction upon the townsponies until Gusty, raising Ascalon aloft, called down a mighty conflagration that burnt Arboritrix to cinders. Ascalon was lost over the succeeding ages, but it is said to now be held by a ghost that haunts the royal palace of Canterlot, seeking the reincarnation of a hero to test her courage.

Autumn Wand, a magical device with a connection to the rhythm of seasons. The wand was constructed by an ancient sorcerer in aid to ponies who struggled to complete the Running of the Leaves each year. Sadly, it was lost among the gnarled trees.

Don Quixote

Somewhere in La Manecha, in a place whose name I do not care to remember, a gentlestallion lived not long ago, one of those who has a lance and ancient shield on a shelf, and who nags other ponies in comic-book stores about how if they were real fans of Spider-Mare, they wouldn't accept any continuity in which she was no longer married to Marey Jane. His name was Quibble Pants, and when his mother told him he had to get a job or she'd evict him from the basement in two weeks, he elected to go insane instead. Taking up the lance (which was a boffer for LARPing) and an antique shield (which he'd defaced, by repainting it in the style of Captain Equestria), he dubbed himself the new superhero that La Marecha needed: Don Quixote, the Knight of Justice.

"Hey, uh, that's a pretty cool, uh, sword you got there." said Snailso Panza.

He was the only pony who hadn't snickered at Don Quixote so far as the newly dubbed Knight patrolled the streets of the city he was sworn to protect. "Really?" said Don Quixote, elated. "I mean, um, ahem, watch thy tongue, vellein! The 'sword' of which thou speakest is the proper armament of a knight-errant, a lance, with which I shall strike down the wretched criminals that scourge our fair city."

"Oh, uh, sorry to bother you." said Snailso, starting to trot forlornly away.

"Halt!" cried Quixote. "In sooth, I remain in need of a squire."

"A what?"

"A companion to witness mine heroic feats and carry my shield." As an earth pony, Quixote found it inconvenient to carry two objects at once. Snailso continued to stare uncomprehendingly, so Quixote relented and explained "A sidekick."

"Oh, huh." Snailso scratched his chin. "Gee. I do have sidekicking experience. How much ya gonna pay?"

"Alas," said Quixote, choking up, "mine own house has disowned me without a shilling to my name. But surely great wealth awaits us. Not to mention the kingdom we shall inherit after I am wed to a princess." He thought about how to divvy up these splendid rewards and said generously "I'll make you governor of an ínsula."

"Oooh." said Snailso. He had no idea what an ínsula was, but governing one sounded very impressive. Also, Quibble Pants had obviously gone completely nuts, and hanging around a lunatic would make Snailso feel a little better about himself by comparison. "It's a deal!"

Fortunately for Snailso, the literal self-flagellation was still 86 chapters away.

"Behold, good Snailso!" cried Don Quixote, his voice echoing out through his closed visor. "This is the very monster that will destroy our city. My nemesis has surely enchanted it into being from the armor of slain knights. We must foil his sinister plot to call a tempest upon us before it is too late!"

Snailso squinted at the big machine in the clouds high above them. It seemed to consist mostly of wide metal tubes with bell-shaped ends. "I think, uh… that's just the normal, uh, wind machine. The one the pegasi use to make wind." After a long moment, he chuckled. "Heh, 'make wind'."

"How canst thou be so blind?" said Quixote with a tut-tut. "I want thee to know, Sancho, that thine eyes have been deceived once more, just as my nemesis made thee unable to rightly perceive the damsel to whom I have sworn mine affections, Her Highness the Princess Mi Amore Cadenza."

"Yeah, I'm, uh, still pretty sure that was the mailmare. The gray one." Snailso looked down at the earth and then up at the clouds again. "How are we gonna get up there, anyway?"

Wizard of Oz

Chapter II: The Council with the Breezies (continued)

Twilight listened to this speech with wonder. What could the huge white alicorn possibly mean by calling her a sorceress, and saying she had killed the Wicked Umbrum of the North? Twilight was an innocent, harmless little filly, who had been carried by a magic mirror many miles from home; and she had never killed anything in all her life.

But the alicorn evidently expected her to answer; so Twilight said, with hesitation, "Oh no, it's nothing like that. He's not dead. He just, uh, kind of…" She gestured vaguely with a forehoof. "He got taken away."

"My little pony," said the alicorn gently, "your actions were noble, but do not deceive yourself about their nature or intentions. King Sombra was slain utterly by your spell. His very flesh was torn to pieces and then disintegrated. I am puzzled that the network censors allowed it."

"It was so awesome!" said a little blue breezie with a rainbow-striped mane.

"Serves him right for havin' such a consarned confusing hitbox." said a little orange breezie.

Da Rules

  1. No wishing for cutie marks.
  2. No wishing for alicornhood.
  3. No wishing to bring Derpy back to life. You have to keep her from dying in the first place.
  4. Wishes for the ability to fly will only be granted with artificial wings.
  5. No meta-wishes.
  6. Wishes concerning a princess's domain of concern (e.g., the night) must be approved by the relevant princess.
  7. Unicorns may not wish for the ability to cast spells using a magic wand. Only earth ponies can do that, obviously.
  8. Don't even think about it.
  9. You aren't allowed to upstage the main characters during a series finale. You may upstage the reining diarchs of Equestria at any time, so long as they aren't the main characters.
  10. No playing as non-pony races.
  11. No wishing for crossovers with other television series.
  12. No soup for you!

Book of Friends

  • Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy
  • Applejack, Autumn Blaze
  • Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo
  • Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon
  • Derpy Hooves, Dr. Hooves
  • Pinkie Pie, Maud Pie
  • Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash
  • Pinkie Pie, Cranky Doodle
  • Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
  • Pinkie Pie, Steven Magnet [and so on, for several pages]
  • Snips, Snails
  • Starlight Glimmer, Trixie
  • Rarity, Coco Pommel
  • Moon Dancer

3 Musketeers

Chapter I: The Three Presents of Babs the Elder (continued)

"This horse is decidedly a buttercup." resumed Silver Spoon. "It is a color very well known in botany, but till the present time very rare among horses."

"Oh, um, I hope that's okay." Fluttershy mumbled.

"No it ain't!" cried Babs, scraping her hoof in barely contained rage. "Dat's not how you talk about my friend in dis town, buddy! Turn around and say it again! Turn around and say it again!"

"She's your friend, huh?" said Diamond Tiara. "More like lame-end."

Babs could endure this humiliation no longer. "Fight me IRL!" she bellowed, and taking no heed of Fluttershy's gentle protestations that really, she didn't mind that much, Babs pounced on Diamond Tiara.

A furious melee ensued, in which Babs bit and kicked at Diamond Tiara while Diamond Tiara struck back, and Silver Spoon defended her friend with a metallic cooking utensil of some sort. The odds were against the plucky mare from Manehattan until three adventurous and inquisitive passers-by, seeing a stranger get beaten into the pavement by the neighborhood hecklers, decided to help out. Two against four proved too much for the two, and thus they galloped back home, pouting for somepony they called "M'lady". [We are well aware that this term, "m'lady", is only properly used when wearing a trilby. But we find it thus in the manuscript, and we do not choose to take upon ourselves to alter it. —Ed.]

"Gee," said Apple Bloom, "it took a lot of guts to fight both of those bullies at once! How'd you get into that scrap, stranger?"

Glancing briefly at Fluttershy, who was just now peeking out of her mane to see if the coast was clear, Babs replied "I don't wanna talk about it."

"We could use a big, tough pony like you." said Scootaloo. "How'd you like to join the Three Cutiteers?"

Sweetie Belle furrowed her brow in thought and glanced among the group. "But, Scoots, then there'd be four of us."

"So what?" said Scootaloo. "It's a cool name. We can keep using the name of the group even if stuff changes so that we probably wouldn't name it what we did if we had to name it now."

Apple Bloom piped up "I'm more kinda worried about throwin' off our whole group dynamic by addin' a new pony. Remember what happened to those two lab mice?"

As the argument gradually descended into a slapfight, Babs began to wonder if throwing in with Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon wasn't the wiser choice. Applejack, who happened to be trotting by, might've been able to chip in with some relevant advice, but in fact she didn't understand a word of the conversation, because everypony was speaking in fancy.

Book of Death

Dying may seem the final stage of existence, and death its cessation. But to die is only to begin a new phase of the soul's journey. The decedent first appears at the gates of Tartarus, the endless dungeon to which the princesses condemn Equestria's foulest criminals. The gate of Tartarus is guarded by Cerberus, who smells each visitor with his six doggy nostrils to tell if she is a living criminal, to be imprisoned, or the soul of a dead pony, to be guided to the afterlife. The dead he directs to a secret passage deep into the earth, where they face several tests to determine their fate.

First, the soul finds herself in a vast labyrinthine cavern, full of darkness and peril. Her guides here are the spirits of ponies she knew in life, whether still living or long dead. If her bonds of friendship were strong and true, the spirits will protect her bravely and steer her safely around danger. But if she abused those ponies, their spirits will visit their wrath upon her, waylay her, and rejoice at her misfortunes. And the soul of a solitary pony, who trusted only herself in life, while harming nopony else, must demonstrate her self-reliance in death and navigate the labyrinth alone.

In the second test, the soul's virtues and vices are weighed. Her heart is set on scales against the lightest feather of the world's first pegasus. A heart that is light with goodness will be sent upwards, allowing the soul to continue on her way. A heart that is weighted down with sin, on the other hoof, will sink the scale. The soul must press and pull upwards beneath the heart, discovering that the feather may exert considerable resistance. Only once the soul has spilled every tear and drop of sweat that her sins caused to her fellow ponies will the scales balance and she be allowed onwards.

The third test is secret. It is not known to any mortals—at least while they still live. The immortals are informed of the nature of the third test upon their ascension to alicornhood. They advise mortals not to worry or try to prepare, since the third test is the easiest. But it is easy only for mortals. On this point all authorities agree: should the impossible occur, and an alicorn die, the third test will oblige her to repay a debt so great she may only beg for mercy, and mercy is not what she will receive. Thus the alchemists explain that the secret to immortality is fear.

King Arthur

Chapter XLVI: How the Knights of the Round Table crossed an accursed bridge (continued)

And therewith two of them dressed their spears, and Neighalot and Trotalot dressed their spears, and ran together with great raundon. And Whinnalot's knights brake their spears, and theirs to-held and bare the two knights off their hooves to the earth, and so left them lying, and galloped their ways. And the other six knights galloped afore to a passage to meet with them again, and so Neighalot and Trotalot smote other two down, and so passed on their ways. And at the fourth passage there met two for two, and both were laid unto the earth; so there was none of the eight knights but she was sore hurt or bruised.

"Right then; capital job." said King Arthur. "Onwards, brave knights. There it is! The Bridge of Death!"

And therewith Sir Neighalot trotted forth, but the ancient stallion from Chapter XXIV blocked his path, crying "Stop! Who would cross the Bridge of Death must answer me these questions three, ere the other side he see."

"Okay, fine." quoth Sir Neighalot. "Ask your stupid questions."

"What… is your name?" said the Bridge-Keeper.

"My name is Sir Neighalot of Canterlot."

"What… is your quest?"

"To seek the Holy Grail."

"What… is your favorite background pony?"

"Derpy. No, Ly—" and alas, with a great screaming and wailing, Sir Neighalot was tos't into the Gorge of Eternal Peril, and was splatter'd and roast'd most frightfully thereby.

Arthur, sighing, trotted forth.

"What… is your name?" demanded the Bridge-Keeper.

"It is Arthur, King of the Earth Ponies." replied he.

"What… is your quest?"

"To seek the Holy Grail."

"What… is the episode number of the first appearance of the Cutie Mark Crusaders?"

"What do you mean?" said Arthur. "Their first appearance as an organization, or their earlier appearance in which they anachronistically huddle despite being strangers to each other?"

"What?" said the Bridge-Keeper. "I don't know that." Thereupon, with a great screaming and wailing, he was tos't into the Gorge of Eternal Peril, where he got a taste of his own medicine.

After watching the impressive arc of the Bridge-Keeper through the air, Trotalot queried of King Arthur "How do you know so much about My Little Pony? Isn't that a television show for little fillies?"

"Well," said Arthur, "you have to know these things when you're a king, you know."


[This book is illegible. The text is all but obliterated by dry brown stains of a troubling kind.]

Star in Yellow

Act V, Scene I

[Enter Townsponies and Grogar.]

Grogar: Iä'rlyeh lloig'nath Tsathoggua hupadgh, n'ghft fhtagn'nw y'hah shagg vulgtlagln. Gora'nafh'throd, naflwgah'n ch' nnngha'ghaa lloig s'uhn syha'hog.

Townsponies: [Chanting in unison] Ep n'gha kadishtu nilgh'ri nagl wgah'n! Ep n'gha kadishtu nilgh'ri nagl Moloch!

[Enter Moloch.]

Grogar: [Kowtowing] Vulgtm hafh'drn ka-Moloch hupadgh athg vulgtlagln.

[Moloch's jaws open and its interior lights. The Yellow Sign can be faintly discerned through the flames.]

Townsponies: [Continuing to chant as they enter the jaws] Ep n'gha kadishtu nilgh'ri nagl wgah'n! Ep n'gha kadishtu nilgh'ri nagl Moloch!



"The next pony I'm supposed to talk to is…" Twilight squinted at the long scroll of instructions from Colonel Celestia. "'Rarity'. What kind of name is that?"

Spike had the facts at his clawtips. "It's Rarity's name, ma'am." he said.

In the officers' boutique, Rarity was furious to be interrupted. "How nice of you to stop by, darling." she said in a friendly and genuine tone, with a graceful curtsy. Right away Twilight could tell that Rarity despised her. That could be another black eye with Colonel Celestia.

"Home Office says I'm to submit these designs for your approval." said Twilight, hoofing over an envelope with plans for the new uniforms.

"Oh, darling, these are horrid." said Rarity. "This style is terribly out of fashion."

"But they were carefully designed in accordance with the latest and most popular fashions." said Twilight.

"Exactly." said Rarity. "What is fashionable is bold and innovative, not staid and clichéd. To really be exactly as fashionable as the latest fashions, you need to create something completely unlike them."

"But the designs also include various surprising novelties and original variations." said Twilight.

"Quite so, and that's why they're truly unfixable." said Rarity sadly. "The designs' careless disregard for what is currently on trend means that they are both long obsolete and too much too soon. All these alien and unfamiliar oddities reveal is that the designer is out of touch."

"So they're too clichéd, but also too strange?" said Twilight, hoping she'd misunderstood.

"No, just the opposite." Rarity patiently explained. "They're too rebelliously conformist. What is truly needed for a brilliant uniform design is something conformingly rebellious."

"That's just what I was going to say, ma'am!" Spike gushed. "Doesn't she have such a way with words, Captain Twilight ma'am? I think they should make her a general, ma'am."

Rarity, not moving her gaze from Twilight's face, lifted an eyebrow. "Do you usually allow enlisted mares to speak in your presence? I think this one just made some noises of some sort."

Major Pie

Major Pinkie Pie was pink. This remarkable fact was observed immediately upon her birth. Her slate-gray father suspected her granite-gray mother of infidelity, but, as a stallion of deep spiritual conviction, he gave not the slightest consideration to divorce. Instead, he patiently treated his wife and daughter with thinly veiled contempt for the rest of his life. When Pinkie Pie was a filly, her closest friend was her sister Maud, who found Pie just as insufferable as everypony else but had difficulty expressing emotions, so Pie assumed that Maud adored her. In fact, Pie came to believe that everypony loved her, which helped to buoy her already congenitally ebullient mood. She was the craziest mare Twilight knew, which was probably why she was the only sane one left.

Major Pie's best friend on base was Dash. "Hay, Dashie!" she said one day in the officers' mess.

"Get bent." said Dash. Dash had put herself through strenuous training from an early age with the singular goal of becoming an ace pilot. She was a captain. Major Pie had nearly flunked out of flight school and then spent the majority of her commission AWOL. She was a major, and by now she was in serious danger of being promoted to colonel if she wasn't careful.

"Oh, Dashie." said Major Pie with her joyous, unselfconscious snorting laugh that everypony hated. "You're a riot!"

Major Pie enjoyed everything she did, but she especially enjoyed flying missions. As a major, she didn't have to fly any missions, but she did anyway. She had flown one hundred and eight missions, in which a total of twenty-two crewmates had been killed in action. She had been hit by flak once, but the shell had merely carved a cylindrical passage through her mane, leaving her quite uninjured, before messily disemboweling an enlisted mare.

"Sweet pony Jesus, they got Snowdrop!" Twilight shrieked. "We're gonna die like Diamond Dogs if we don't get the hell outta here!"

"Woo-hoo!" said Major Pie, guiding the plane in playful curves through a dense cloud of flak. The air looked like it was made out of flak. "Look, Ma, no hands!" She held up two hooves.

"I already dropped the bombs!" Twilight pled desperately over the intercom. "Just turn around, for Celestia's sake!"

Unfortunately, Major Pie had just discovered a shiny new button in the cockpit.

Poems & Rhymes

Sunshine, sunshine;
Ladybugs awake!
Clap your hooves and

[The rest of this poem is covered by a sticker that says "Excised by order of Her Majesty's Secretary of Conjuration Patrol. WARNING: Extreme memetic hazard. Do not attempt to dispel, on pain of exile and imprisonment in the place of exile. If this volume is found outside the Starswirl the Bearded wing of the Canterlot Royal Archives, report immediately to the Royal Guard."]

[On the bottom of the page is a Polaroid of some kind of shaved monkey wearing clothes, including a spiked collar. Its face bears a skeptical expression. Below the picture is the enigmatic legend "Oyster smile pic".]

Fahrenheit 451

Part II: The Sieve and the Simile (continued)

"When do you suppose the war will start?" said Mustang.

"Soon enough." said Mrs. Filly. "That's how I like it. Quick war. In-and-out, bang-boom, hooves flying, changelings squished, then back home in time for dinner. Quick war. That's what the Royal Guard said. Quick war. I'll get to watch the hubby annihilate those nasty little black-carapaced foreigners on four screens at once and then he'll come back perfectly uninjured and not at all psychologically traumatized. Quick war."

"Why do you keep saying 'quick war'?" said Mustang, who was already semantically satiated.

"Because there will be a war," said Mrs. Filly, "but it will be quick." She was irritated and trying to be patient with him, like a vulture circling overhead with its head full of chaos and mischief but sweet milk pouring from its soft lips as it sang a song of betrayal and vengeance. Her eyes were full of sad grape jelly as her skin flickered with unseen raindrops.

Mustang restrained himself from sighing audibly. "Does the Royal Guard love you?"

"I beg your pardon?"

"Does… does your 'government' love you, love you very much, love you with all their heart? Do you wanna marry it? Do you want Celestia and Luna as sister-wives? Oooh, you like the government; you're a government-kisser."

"Certainly not." said Mrs. Filly with a contemptuous sniff, like Eve rebuffing the serpent's offer of an apple. "My 'family' that I have a parasocial relationship with is the Kar-Dash-ians. I keep up with them, even if I'm a little disappointed that Rainbow would throw in with that unseemly fellow Canter West."

"Why are you always like this, Guy?" said Millie. "I'm just trying to have a nice time with my friends and you come barging in here, turning off the TV while we're trying to watch it, and demanding we talk about the war and children and poetry and other such depressing subjects."

"Because I'm a deep pony." Mustang said quietly. "You can tell because I'm mopey." And, he added to himself as he frowned at her like a great arch towering over the ruins of Rome as it was picked over by dogs of limpid steel and the sighing spirits of departed saints, because he'd mastered the literary art of analogy.

Suddenly, Mustang's hidden radio yelled at him "Snake! Snaaake!"

"What?" Mustang yelped with a start. "What is it?"

"Nothing." said the operator. "I just always wanted to do that."

Later, Mustang learned that Millie had died in the quick war, but that was fine by him, because she was shallow and watched too much TV. He could always remarry, anyway. That's the wonderful thing about a horse: he never gets so discouraged or disgusted that he gives up doing it all over again, because he knows very well it is important and worth the doing.


For while ponies think themselves masters of the world, this is but a tale they tell themselves as the dying embers of their era cool into frozen ash. It is not by ponies' hooves that the leaves fall, the sun sets, and the wind howls, but Theirs. They command the lightning as They slumber in the dark places of the earth till the stars align. They ordained our misery and suffering, picked out the details of our destinies great and small, and endowed us with reason and hope only to show us our impotence. They are legion. They are unstoppable. They are inscrutable. The darkness teems with Them; the winter bites our flesh with Their fangs; the windigos sing Their dirges. Their herald Fh'tng the Nspe'kbl looms, prophesying Celestia's fear, Luna's greed, Cadance's decadence, and Twilight's hatred, which chill their hearts, and open their eyes to Them. All thought of resistance or vitality may only occur as They allow. And They produced the very missive of cessation and desistance that tore the enchantment of combat from our grasp and obliged the Creator to start from scratch.

Starswirl's Book

Thursday: Daisy porridge again? I need a better cook.

Friday: Both girls continue to be extremely promising. Methinks it will not be long before they have surpassed what I can teach them. Celestia has an even-keeled and kindly disposition that I am now assured won't crack under pressure. She has the potential to be a great leader of ponies someday. But Luna, I worry about her. So easily is she given over to envy, of anypony, but especially her sister. I assigned them an essay on the theme of friendship. The best wizards were solitary, and for good reason. If these two will continue to be inseparable, they had best get along.

Saturday: Stygian asked today if he could take a look at the blindfold Somnambula used during her confrontation with the Sphinx of the South. Not sure why. The sphinx created it by magic, but the object itself is mundane. Stygian does seem to feel a certain inferiority towards the rest of us at times. Poor little fellow.

Sunday: Finally tried the old method of doing without an outhouse. Verdict: best attempted without robes.

Monday: Gave a roleplaying exercise as part of class today. Apparently the dramatic arts are not among Celestia's many talents.

Tuesday: Daisy porridge, with remarkably wilted daisies. Fired the cook.

Wednesday: Scholarly caprice led to the perusal of some aged manuscripts on the Realm of Chaos. Legend has it that by sheer chance, the Realm's fluctuations once gave birth to an intelligent being powerful enough to escape to the Material Plane. A likely story.

Thursday: Left to my own culinary devices for two days, I must admit despite myself that I am starting to miss the daisy porridge. Have commenced advertising for a new cook.

Friday: Believe I have constructed a spell for a "derangement of destinies" among a small group of ponies. The dispel seems particularly obscure, so I am loath to experiment so far. In class today, Celestia asked about the bells. Managed to delay that difficult conversation for a little longer.

Saturday: Got up early to see a show about little ponies. Most of the audience was small fillies, but I think I rather enjoyed it.

Lusty Lizardpony Maid

Act IV, Scene III (continued)

Plump Donut: My goodness, sir, your wings are very stiff!

Zeppelin Breed: Comes of bein' this cut. Work hard, play hard; that's my game. A lot of things about me are pretty hard… if you catch my drift.

Plump Donut: I have no idea what it is you imply, master. I am but a poor lizardpony maid.

Zeppelin Breed: Aww, you're sellin' yourself short, Plumps. Those ears, those teeth…

Plump Donut: You embarrass me, sir. I must finish your massage in time to prepare the mistress's supper.

Zeppelin Breed: You know ol' Rainbows. She always takes her time getting home. Bit of a slowpoke. And I've been just aching today. I'm gonna need some of your best work, top to bottom. The complete experience.

Plump Donut: Everything, sir? But it could take hours!

Zeppelin Breed: Plenty a' time, girl. Plenty a' time.