What did you do to get your eye_of_death account suspended?
Not changing sig until the Seahawks win the Super Bowl
Read all the topics from yesterday. Note all the modded posts between Monty and Severus Snape or whatever his name is.
Fill in the blanks.
friend said he found God in the Bible. Well, mine only mentioned him. I
guess it's a contest thing: One in 10,000 Bibles has God in it.
-undertaker shy guy
Sepersercovord is gone, right?
You know, PETA would and wouldn't be strongly opposed to the Schrödinger's cat experiment.
Wrong. Sepersercovord was suspended for something completely unrelated
to this board. Nevertheless, the account won't be banned for what it
was suspended for.
Were you posting HijackThis logs?
Society produces rogues, and education makes one rogue cleverer than another.
~Oscar Wilde
Ouch, looks like that guy was banned. I'm PhantomCurse btw.
Hi mount.
You can't be distracted by the noise of misinformation. - James Daly
Ms.Information, who are you? And better yet, why
do you accuse every provisional of being this Mountrussmore person? Let
me tell you something. From what it looks like, Mountrussmore was
banned. He can't make a new account for 90 days if that is true. Just
thought I would throw it out there.
That is not true actually.
Since Mountrussmore's alt was banned, it is now on his usermap. In
order to create a new account, he has to wait 90 days until the account
vanishes from his usermap. How is what I said not true? And how could
you have possibly known that Seperecord {SP?} was suspended for
something totally different? You would have to be a moderator's alt to
know that.
Why don't you have a look at mine, and Sepersercovords signatures, and if you still don't geddit, look at both of our profiles.
know nothing about usermaps either. Something I can assure you that I
do know about. Even if you created that one on another
PC/Browser/Console, you wouldn't have had to if you actually knew what
to do.
That account(PhantomCurse) is new, so hi smores!
Not changing sig until the Seahawks win the Super Bowl
Okay, no he can't. First of all, not everyone has more than one
computer. Second of all, you need to wait 90 days until the bad account
clears from the usermap. The only way to get onto GameFAQs is to 1]use
another computer or 2]have someone create the account for you.
So let me guess, you are Seperercord's alternate account? And you are going to post here while he's in Purgatory?
[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster]
Okay, no he can't. First of all, not everyone has more than one
computer. Second of all, you need to wait 90 days until the bad account
clears from the usermap. The only way to get onto GameFAQs is to 1]use
another computer or 2]have someone create the account for you.
a clue. This is why you were moderated for giving out just plane crap
and wrong answers on Message Board Help. You do not need to wait for
that long, and that is certainly not the only way.
And you totally exposed me. I can't believe how hard I tried to hide that lil' secret.
Edit: You can't fool people with this boring crap either.
Okay, first of all, I never said I was or wasn't Mountrussmore. I am
him; I tried admitting that, but I used up my 3 posts in 1 hour limit.
Second of all, I didn't expose you. You said to look at both profiles
and signatures. A monkey could put two and two together. Third, I am
not going back to MBH. That place is just hell to me, so I don't think
I will be going there. Plus, RaptorLC said that I should avoid it in
order to keep my accounts. Since he is a lead mod, I am going to honor
his wishes. I can't say the same for some people, however.
story is in desperate need of votes on EM2. Come check it out.
So why did you try to play games, pretending like you were someone new?
Also how did you manage to make a new account? Did someone make it and
give it to you?
Society produces rogues, and education makes one rogue cleverer than another.
~Oscar Wilde
Okay, first of all, I never said I was or wasn't Mountrussmore.
you just tried denying it in some used attempt at reverse psychology -
let's be honest, if you weren't called out on it, you would have lied
and continued to act like a 3rd party.
I am him; I tried
admitting that, but I used up my 3 posts in 1 hour limit. Second of
all, I didn't expose you. You said to look at both profiles and
signatures. A monkey could put two and two together.
That would justify my sarcasm, genius.
I am not going back to MBH. That place is just hell to me, so I don't
think I will be going there. Plus, RaptorLC said that I should avoid it
in order to keep my accounts. Since he is a lead mod, I am going to
honor his wishes. I can't say the same for some people, however.
to hear it, however - this is a social board, not a help board, thus
there is no comparison - and people can post about whatever they want,
and not just give out wrong advice. So anyone can post here.
So why did you try to play games, pretending like you were someone
new? Also how did you manage to make a new account? Did someone make it
and give it to you?
I did the same thing with eye_of_death.
I pretended to be someone new, and I wanted to see how long it took my
friends to figure out it was me. As soon as they did, I admitted it.
This time, I tried to see if they could see through my phony disguise
if I dodged it.
No, you just tried denying it in some used
attempt at reverse psychology - let's be honest, if you weren't called
out on it, you would have lied and continued to act like a 3rd party.
No, I would have told my friends if they were right. You, are not one of them, so I don't have to confide in you with anything.
That would justify my sarcasm, genius.
Again, you're not my friend. I don't have to tell you anything.
to hear it, however - this is a social board, not a help board, thus
there is no comparison - and people can post about whatever they want,
and not just give out wrong advice. So anyone can post here.
may be a social board, and you may have the right to post by GameFAQs
standards, but that doesn't give you the right to disrespect the other
members of this community. From the moment you came, you did nothing
but make rude remarks to my friends. We wouldn't mind you posting here
if you would treat us with respect and not make rude remarks in our
topics. That is why you were asked to leave. If you respect us, we will
respect you.
My story is in desperate need of votes on EM2.
Come check it out.
Monty, don't respond to anyone here for a while unless what they say is
nice. If you type anything that is in any way defensive, they have a
chance at driving you into anger. I don't want you losing your account.
It would be good for the status of your account to stay out of here and
any topics where anyone says anything that might cause you to reply
Metamorphazone, are you by any chance an alt of Sepersercovord?
My "Search for topics without a word in the title" petition:
Any particular reason why you didn't answer these two questions?
Also how did you manage to make a new account? Did someone make it and give it to you?
Society produces rogues, and education makes one rogue cleverer than another.
~Oscar Wilde
Paper Spock, you have nothing to worry about. I don't have to tell him
anything or respond to him. He is not my friend, so I am not concerned
if he posts here or not. I don't understand why we don't just move PMS
to a secret board and give the link to members only in email. Sounds
like a good idea to me. That way, we won't be bothered by anyone who
makes rude remarks at us.
story is in desperate need of votes on EM2. Come check it out.
[This message was deleted at the request of a moderator or administrator]
Actually, if things got really desperate, we have a group on facebook.
However, if we did move, we wouldn't get to meet good new people such as yourself, Monty.
My "Search for topics without a word in the title" petition:
I did the same thing with eye_of_death. I pretended to be someone
new, and I wanted to see how long it took my friends to figure out it
was me. As soon as they did, I admitted it. This time, I tried to see
if they could see through my phony disguise if I dodged it.
you can't dodge it - that's the problem. You're transparent, pretending
as if it was your intention all along makes it even more laughable.
No, I would have told my friends if they were right. You, are not one of them, so I don't have to confide in you with anything.
So why did you tell me? Because you realised it wasn't making you look smart to continuously deny it when it was beyond obvious?
Again, you're not my friend. I don't have to tell you anything.
Me calling you sarcastically
a genius for pointing out something I made very obvious, doesn't even
vaguely justify any amount of sense behind that little comment.
may be a social board, and you may have the right to post by GameFAQs
standards, but that doesn't give you the right to disrespect the other
members of this community. From the moment you came, you did nothing
but make rude remarks to my friends. We wouldn't mind you posting here
if you would treat us with respect and not make rude remarks in our
topics. That is why you were asked to leave. If you respect us, we will
respect you.
Let's not jump to conclusions. If I make or
made rude remarks, you mark those messages for the moderators to deal
with; and it's not as if you have any right to criticize someone for
that when you yourself just got banned for the exact same reason in
some tantrum you threw, now is it?
You are right, I don't have any right to
criticize. However, I was defending my friends. You came here and just
started being rude to people as Seperecord for no reason. I was being
rude to you for reason as eye_of_death. However, that is beside the
point. The point of the matter is, you were rude, and I addressed that.
You are changing the subject to me which isn't wise to do. All of my
friends here know that I have a temper problem and have accepted it.
You, on the other hand, just take great pleasure in pointing out how
much of a bad person I am. It won't work.
all PMSians, I have claimed a board for the new PMSian empire. It is
well hidden and will not be found easily. If you would like a link to
it, please email me at
Or post your email address, so I can give you the link.
make a point, Paper Spock, but we will still post here. We can invite
new people to the board through the link if they want it. Please email
me for the link, so we can get back to some form of normality. I think
it would help avoid trolls and people who would piss me off. Plus, we
can form our own government, constitution, and way of life. I think it
is a splenderous idea. Who is with me, PMS?
Also, I am not
singaling you out if that is what you think. I am talking about anybody
who comes here to be rude to us. Didn't want you to get the wrong idea.
story is in desperate need of votes on EM2. Come check it out.
You are right, I don't have any right to criticize. However, I was defending my friends.
No you weren't, you were defending yourself - because you kept lying, and you still are with comments like that.
Monty, delete that. I'm not sure if he would, but there's a chance that he would try to email you.
My "Search for topics without a word in the title" petition:
I wouldn't, but you know, whatever makes you secure.
No you weren't, you were defending yourself - because you kept lying, and you still are with comments like that.
couldn't be further from the truth. I exploded at you because you were
being arrogant. All of those deleted messages were me asking you to
leave and saying some bad things to you for posting on the board. But,
whatever, have your own opinion. It's a free country.
Spock, you have nothing to worry about. I know most of your names by
now, so I will delete any unfamiliar name from my email box. That being
said, I think that all of you who do email me should put who you are on
the PMS board for extra security purposes.
You couldn't be further from the truth. I exploded at you because you were being arrogant. = "I really didn't like the truth being handed to me on a silver platter, and just chucked a hissy"
Monty, for your own sake, drop this discussion. It won't go anywhere good. You aren't changing this guy's mind. Let go.
My "Search for topics without a word in the title" petition:
Paper Spock, I am fine. I told him he could have his own opinion. It's
a free country after all. I'm going to start checking my email to see
if any links were requested. Paper Spock, make a topic alerting the
PMSians. I am warned with Mountrussmore, and I used my topic for
PhantomCurse to claim the board for PMS. Please, Paper Spock. I am
fine. He is not bugging me. I would really appreciate it if you would
make that topic, though. Give them the info I gave in this topic. Also,
tell them to post who they are from PMSian.
Although I have a dual citizenship, not everyone lives in the USA.
Let's not be ignorant.
Alright. I'll see what I can do. Note: I'm not
willing to put my actual name online for security purposes. My address
is related to parties.
My "Search for topics without a word in the title" petition:
Sorry, Monty, but PMS is our home. This is our
little slice of the internet, and we're going to do our best to protect
it. We've done so for far too long to let a couple of MBHers ruin it.
friend said he found God in the Bible. Well, mine only mentioned him. I
guess it's a contest thing: One in 10,000 Bibles has God in it.
-undertaker shy guy
I think it's ridiculous that anyone should move just 'cause one guy got banned for breaking the rules.
I think it's ridiculous that anyone should move just 'cause one guy got banned for breaking the rules.
you are not a stranger to getting banned for breaking the rules. I know
all about you and your Wiki GameFAQs page. I know that you are the
master hacker who caused big trouble for CJAYC and GameFAQs. If I'm not
mistaken, you have 1,600 banned accounts, and you hacked the system
when you learned your account was never going to be a moderator. I do
not wish to fight with you, but I think you should think before you
post, especially when the said post applies to you. I have, on record,
one banned account. And I also know that you got many accounts banned.
So, I fell victim to your trick, but it will not happen again.
why can't we all just coexist peacefully on this board? Why can't we be
friends or acquaintinces and cut this board drama crap already? I
really want to stop this board. Since you came here, this board has
been filled with ATTN: Topics and hate topics. Can't we just stop all
of this fighting? Metamorphazone {I will not call you by your first
account, but I know who you are} you will not be a PMSian in these
guys' standards, but we have to accept the fact that you post here.
Since this is the case, we should learn to get along with each other.
I didn't say I was a stranger to it - my bans were all
intentional though; I knew exactly what I was doing, this is about as
relevant as trying to shift everyone to a board 'cause you don't like
someone that posts here.
btw, Xenon didn't work to well did it?
Monty, please don't continue this discussion. I beg of you. This is leading nowhere good.
My "Search for topics without a word in the title" petition:
I never said I didn't like you. I don't have to say it. So what do you
do, do you stalk me? Do you look up my username to see where I post?
And, I'm assuming that you know so much about usermaps because you used
your little technique to come back after being banned. Am I correct to
say so?
let me tell you one thing. I want you to stop bringing up the moderator
stuff. You do that everytime you think I am wrong and say that is why I
was rejected. You are wrong. RaptorLC gave different reasons why. Also,
I was correct in that situation. Posting a game's music can be on a
game board, even if it discusses the other two, as long as you talk
about the game for the board you are posting on. You want to know why I
think you bring that up? I think you try to put me down because you
learned that your first account would never be a moderator, and you
wanted to put me down. Go ahead and put me down, but let me tell you
something. You can't predict the future.
Phantom, stop before you post something that will get you modded. As
you've pointed out, this guy has been banned 1600 time or so.
Consequently, he knows exactly what will and won't get a person banned.
He's likely waiting until you step over the line. The only way you to
avoid stepping over the line is to not respond to him at all.
My "Search for topics without a word in the title" petition:
In relation to the previous post you made, I'm not
some "hacker", I found a couple of minor html flawed pages. That does
not make someone a hacker.
I never said I didn't like you. I don't have to say it.
Yes you did, you called me a bastard, with some pretty ****'s next to it. Don't lie.
what do you do, do you stalk me? Do you look up my username to see
where I post? And, I'm assuming that you know so much about usermaps
because you used your little technique to come back after being banned.
Am I correct to say so?
Actually, yes. That is why I know
so much about them, hence why I said you were wrong yesterday. *Awards
And let me tell you one thing. I want you to stop bringing up the moderator stuff.
What? You just brought it up yourself; if I ever brought it up, it's because you were sprouting incorrect crap about the rules.
You do that everytime you think I am wrong
My god, I've done it that many times? Where!!?
and say that is why I was rejected. You are wrong. RaptorLC gave different reasons why.
Well I didn't see his, but I'm assuming it was because you are whiny.
I was correct in that situation. Posting a game's music can be on a
game board, even if it discusses the other two, as long as you talk
about the game for the board you are posting on.
No, technically, that is wrong. Unless it's a board for the entire series.
want to know why I think you bring that up? I think you try to put me
down because you learned that your first account would never be a
Hmm, my first account.... Ages ago, in which I
posted on a Final Fantasy board, and didn't exactly have a clean mod
history. Sure I did!
and you wanted to put me down. Go ahead and put me down, but let me tell you something. You can't predict the future.
I wasn't aware that I was trying to predict the future, I think you're just insecure.
PaperSpock - Do you have that much confidence in him?
Mark, it will not happen. I am not dumb enough to
fall for the tricks a second time. Silly Metamorphazone, tricks are
kids. No, but seriously, I will not lose my temper this time around. I
am not going to stoop to any low level and mercilessly flame someone.
That would be my friend's motto >_>. Anyway, I don't think this
fighting his necessary. We have to accept the fact that he is going to
post here from now on. Let's just move on with our lives and ignore
anything that is inappropriate. What do you guys say to that?
I agree, and I'm sure they do.
You're the one with the issue though.
You are right, I am whiny and immature. That is
why I will not make a good moderator at this stage in my life. I was
deluded at first, but now I see why RaptorLC's logic is true. I have
noticed the following flaws in and did research on qualifications for
mods. At my current age, I am not mature enough to take on the
responsibiltiy of modship. That does not, however, mean I can't work on
those flaws and apply when I am older and more mature.
-I am too young to be a moderator. 14 is not a good age to become one unless you are really mature.
-I have an ignorant view of the TOS and will not be able to inforce it with this ignorance at my age level.
temper is too explosive to be considered. From what I've heard, the
queue is very stressful, and I don't think I can handle it at such a
young age.
According to the Wiki page, most desirable moderators
are selected between 18-24 years old. There is no age limit, but I'm
sure a mature 20 year old has a better chance than a 14 year old. Yes,
I will not make a good moderator at this point. We have established
that. Now that you are aware of the situation, I would appreciate it if
you would not bring it up anymore. Kthxbai.
You'll never be one, period.
I just submitted my mod application on Friday.
You couldn’t be, you couldn’t be me even if you wanted to.
Everything I’ve been through, you wouldn’t know
Good luck.
Shut up, Anthony. You are letting him bait you again. He's kicking back enjoying this to no end.
Just. Shut. Up.
Contrary to popular belief, you don't always have to have the last word.
who acts like an idiot on this board gets treated like one. If you want
to act the hormone-driven drool-monkey, you'll get mocked for it.
It's not a bait, he just won't be a mod, ever. I believe he's been told that before by someone who is a moderator.
[This message was deleted at the request of a moderator or administrator]
Haha, I doubt I'll get it, but figured that a future law school student
with 3 moderations in his four year history on the boards stands a
small shot.
You couldn’t be, you couldn’t be me even if you wanted to.
Everything I’ve been through, you wouldn’t know
Good luck Power...
Not changing sig until the Seahawks win the Super Bowl