I. am. not. in. any. way. mountrussmore. I. don't. know. why. you'd.
think. that. at. all. I. swear. if. any. one. of. you. calls. me.
mount. again. you. will. be. marked. in. other. for. falsely. accusing.
me. of. being. someone. that. I'm. not. You. guys. are. inciting.
flames. by. calling. me. him.
Seriously, I like you guys, but you're pissing me off.
Not changing sig until the Seahawks win the Super Bowl
That's a very Mont-ish response.
"To truly live, one must first be born." ~ Evan [aX]
Paper Mario Social: The Safe Haven of GameFAQs. (Board 2000083)
Yes, that does look like something Mount would do.
Society produces rogues, and education makes one rogue cleverer than another.
~Oscar Wilde
[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster]
So because we're both young, and I defend him I'm him? Or because I
sound like him in a few posts? Seriously, I'm not him, and I made this
clear many times. We have different personalities, and he wouldn't lie
for three straight months about being someone he is. Who he isn't.
My created accounts- Mark86h
Soon to be created- Eli82h
His created accounts- mountrussmore
His latest one- the one in Shadow's topic.
And I'm dead serious about the marking.
Not changing sig until the Seahawks win the Super Bowl
You're so silly monty.
The word is deficit, not defecate. The difference, in this case, is quite important
Mount really needs to learn to check his anger. There is no reason to get upset over stuff that happens on a message board.
Society produces rogues, and education makes one rogue cleverer than another.
~Oscar Wilde
Kid, they're screwing with you. You outbursting is only making it more enjoyable.
Well, there is a new accent of n00b language. It's called: Vet LUEser goes Foreign!-MegaSpy22
Those must be the pants of the gods!-Digitalpython
I. Don't. Care. What. People. Say. About. Me. Anymore. I. Haven't.
Since. Last. Year. People. Can. Think. What. They. Want. About. Me. I.
Could. Really. Really. Care. Less. What. They. Say. Think. Or. Joke.
About. Me. They. Won't. Bother. Me. Do. You. Really. Think. I. Will.
Let. Them. Bug. Me. When. I. don't. Care?
Look familiar? Mount posted that.
Interesting. I almost think you did that on purpose.
Anyway, I'm sure this is just an old joke gone sour. Seriously, guys, this is stupidly immature.
Oh, and by the way, I believe you. Or at least I will to shut you the hell up.
This post has been brought to you by the makers of the Bio-Taco.
Oh, and by the way, I believe you. Or at least I will to shut you the hell up.
I'm the current Wind Waker.
^ < >
I can't decide what I desire more: getting him to shut up by
"believing" him or encouraging him to further continue this charade.
I never thought I would wake up in bed watching the world coming down on my head...
Why don't you shutup? You guys like being trolls,
don't you? I won't shutup until you say you honestly believe me, and
say it not just to shut me up. And Po3, you're seriously getting on my
Shaun Alexander will return to his old form next season.
Supporters: 1
His created accounts- mountrussmore
His latest one- the one in Shadow's topic.
I don't have an account called DaSmores_Guy.
Also, he isn't me. He loses his temper like I do, but he is definitely not me. I can vouch that for certain.
Oops, sorry about that.
Not changing sig until the Seahawks win the Super Bowl
Your nerves are the least of my cares.
I never thought I would wake up in bed watching the world coming down on my head...
You know what the funny thing is? We have two totally different
facebooks. We must be the same person because our different facebooks
links us together >.>.
And the way I did that first post was just to get you all to ****ing
understand, not to sound like mount or anything. For the record, stop
jumping to conclusions all the time about people's alts.
And hey, I'm pretty sure you created an account that sounds like DaSmoresGuy, which you closed.
Not changing sig until the Seahawks win the Super Bowl
Your nerves are the least of my cares.
Whoopdy-doo. Neither are yours.
Not changing sig until the Seahawks win the Super Bowl
Wait, are you saying my nerves are the least of my cares? I would beg to differ with you on that one.
I never thought I would wake up in bed watching the world coming down on my head...
You know what the funny thing is? We have two totally different
facebooks. We must be the same person because our different facebooks
links us together >.>.
Sorry for the triple, but that is exactly correct.
Not changing sig until the Seahawks win the Super Bowl
You are definitely winning this topic Mark.
The word is deficit, not defecate. The difference, in this case, is quite important
I never thought I would wake up in bed watching the world coming down on my head...
Wait, are you saying my nerves are the least of my cares? I would beg to differ with you on that one.
I'm saying your nerves are the least of my cares, intelligent donkey.
Not changing sig until the Seahawks win the Super Bowl
I love the utter confusion that can be caused by a common name.
The "Search for topics without a word in the title" petition:
You are definitely winning this topic Mark.
HA! You just called me Mark, not Anthony.
Not changing sig until the Seahawks win the Super Bowl
Your nerves are the least of my cares.
Whoopdy-doo. Neither are yours.
sentence there implied that my nerves were the least of my cares
because your cares were never mentioned. Before you start insulting me
again, learn some sentence structure. Oh, and he called you Mark
because it's your username.
I never thought I would wake up in bed watching the world coming down on my head...
No, he called me Mark because I am him.
the ****ing hell do you have to be so ignorant/arrogant/irritating
sometimes? What is so hard to believe about us being different people?
know what? I won't care anymore or lose my cool. I will not let it
bother me. Anthony and me know we're different people, and that's all
that matters.
Not changing sig until the Seahawks win the Super Bowl
Exactly... Now you get it.
The word is deficit, not defecate. The difference, in this case, is quite important
[This message was deleted at the request of a moderator or administrator]
We haven't accused you of anything. You've just said that you are
Monty, people have posted some sort of response, you get angry and then
repeat the same thing again. It's a vicious cycle.
You can't take the sky from me. - Ballad of Serenity
When did I say I'm him?
And if I am him,
he must be using a different computer, since I would've been axed and
banned. Well, how are we magiacally able to post at the same exaxct
time? Seriously, you guys can think what you want. It does not bother
me. I'm done with this.
Not changing sig until the Seahawks win the Super Bowl
Mark, you keep on saying you're done yet you keep responding. STOP!
Everybody knows you aren't me. They think it is fun to watch you
respond. Stop giving them what they want.
Wow, Monty giving sound advice. *Sheds a tear of joy*
The word is deficit, not defecate. The difference, in this case, is quite important
Wow, Monty giving sound advice. *Sheds a tear of joy*
Yes, but he is giving it to himself it seems.
Where is my mind?
Way out in the water. See it swimming?
XD at this entire topic.
Anyway, I'm sure this is just an old joke gone sour. Seriously, guys, this is stupidly immature.
Oh, and by the way, I believe you. Or at least I will to shut you the hell up.
Aw, c'mon Cheeze. A little fun? Just a little?
Sadly, I'm amused as well...
spud2002 is alive! >_>
Much too amused. Mark, I think it's obvious you're not mount, but the way you're responding is not helping things.
"And then we die."
~~This is what I like to add to the end of almost every sentence.~~
Too be fair, I never called him Monty. I just said
he was acting like him (which, really, should cause him to take a step
back and think).
"To truly live, one must first be born." ~ Evan [aX]
Paper Mario Social: The Safe Haven of GameFAQs. (Board 2000083)
Yeah, in a perfect world.
who acts like an idiot on this board gets treated like one. If you want
to act the hormone-driven drool-monkey, you'll get mocked for it.
Did any of us officially bring forth that accusation?
I never thought I would wake up in bed watching the world coming down on my head...
freepizza and Dardove, though I'm pretty sure that they were kidding and Mark never noticed.
who acts like an idiot on this board gets treated like one. If you want
to act the hormone-driven drool-monkey, you'll get mocked for it.
Heh, and of course I'm the one he targets by name.
I never thought I would wake up in bed watching the world coming down on my head...
You brought that upon yourself by targeting a thread at him. Any kid is
going to latch onto everything you say (and distort it) if you do
something like that.
That is true. I guess it was worth the lulz at the time.
I never thought I would wake up in bed watching the world coming down on my head...
Heh, I haven't had conflict of this sort since I got into an argument
with a tranny at the ACSB a month back. Surprisingly, still 3 years
since my last modded message.
I never thought I would wake up in bed watching the world coming down on my head...
I wasn't sure who he was, missing his introduction during the Mt.Rush
madness, and asked if we was in fact Mount out of sheer confusion.
having said that, making a topic on our board that is essentially a
very rudely worded "cease and desist" letter is not cool at all. Or
welcome. So chill out, whoever you are. We've got a nice little group
here, and we don't need some random person threatening us, telling us
to shut up, and posting all sorts of bold and asterisk filled nonsense.
Also, lol mountrushmore saga lol.
Okay, now SERIOUSLY, when did the monty story become a saga?
"And then we die."
~~This is what I like to add to the end of almost every sentence.~~
Man, this topic has me completely convinced now that Mark and Monty are the same guy.
-- [USG] --
Nah, Monty is generally well intentioned with often poor results.
Markovich is a very trying individual. Plus, Anthony's usernames have
an ounce of creativity instead of the NameNumberLetter formula.
I never thought I would wake up in bed watching the world coming down on my head...
Because if so, thanks...nobody else believes me...
Not changing sig until the Seahawks win the Super Bowl