MithrilSword4 (12:25:57 AM): How have you been?
(12:26:35 AM): After hitting perhaps my lowest, I've finally started to
climb out of it. A couple potential jobs on the horizon.
MithrilSword4 (12:26:49 AM): What happened?
MithrilSword4 (12:27:11 AM): I thought you were doing well, though it has been awhile since we last spoke.
MithrilSword4 (12:27:33 AM): Spoke. What a load of crap. Wrote is more accurate.
(12:28:30 AM): Sorry, I seem to be very drunk this evening. I know that
you are fairly straightlaced when it comes to that, but I haven't had
anything to drink in 3 months and have very little to show for the
TheJakobEffect (12:28:43 AM): I don't know if I told you
about all that happened while I was on my trip. I got stood up by a
girl, lost a few hundred in cash and gift cards when I lost my wallet,
and got horribly burned. When I got home, I started having some serious
issues with my parents based on my attitude, started slipping into mild
depression based on a lot of things going wrong, and not having had any
interviews yet.
TheJakobEffect (12:29:05 AM): Don't apologize to me. Though I don't partake, it doesn't mean i condemn.
TheJakobEffect (12:29:08 AM): At least not anymore.
MithrilSword4 (12:29:27 AM): Is this the chick in Florida? Maybe. . .
(12:30:05 AM): Yeah, the chick in Florida, who is crazy beyond crazy.
Makes Stacie seem like the most levelheaded girl ever. Then again,
Stacie is a whole other story.
TheJakobEffect (12:30:20 AM): More or less, I got so caught up in being everyone's savior that I neglected to save myself.
MithrilSword4 (12:30:48 AM): How odd, I don't seem to be able to tell when you are typing any longer. . .
MithrilSword4 (12:30:59 AM): Must have been when I upgraded Aim
TheJakobEffect (12:31:20 AM): I'm still using my old copy of Trillian.
TheJakobEffect (12:31:29 AM): Old habits die hard.
(12:32:43 AM): And there doesn't seem to be anything in my settings
that would account for it. I may have to uninstall and re-install a
lower version. I hate not knowing if something is coming.
MithrilSword4 (12:32:58 AM): Savior, eh? Story of my life.
(12:33:40 AM): Too many people kept dumping on me, and I tried to do
everything for them. I just woke up one day and realized I was
investing too much effort in them and getting nothing out of it.
TheJakobEffect (12:33:47 AM): So I figured I'd try to use that to fix myself.
TheJakobEffect (12:33:51 AM): And so far, so good.
MithrilSword4 (12:34:05 AM): Hang on a tick.
TheJakobEffect (12:34:10 AM): Alright
MithrilSword4 (12:35:24 AM): thejakobeffect Firefox Document 1,114 KB
MithrilSword4 (12:35:40 AM): All of that was spent trying to tell you exactly that.
TheJakobEffect (12:35:53 AM): Oh dear.
TheJakobEffect (12:36:17 AM): When it comes to myself as well as with girls, I'm a painfully slow learner.
MithrilSword4 (12:37:07 AM): No one else even comes close. Next up is TRC with 649 KB spent on hacking undeserved mods.
MithrilSword4 (12:37:38 AM): Sorry again. I shouldn't be attacking you.
TheJakobEffect (12:37:56 AM): Attack all you want.
TheJakobEffect (12:38:02 AM): Whatever brings catharsis.
MithrilSword4 (12:38:14 AM): No, none of it is your fault.
MithrilSword4 (12:38:45 AM): If I poured all of my rage into you, you'd likely make a road trip out to punch me in the face.
MithrilSword4 (12:39:02 AM): I suppose I should start.
TheJakobEffect (12:39:15 AM): Absolutely. I've tired of talking about myself.
who acts like an idiot on this board gets treated like one. If you want
to act the hormone-driven drool-monkey, you'll get mocked for it.