Kodi Arfer / Wisterwood

R.I.P. Pooty's Goldfish

Topic List
#001 | AzumarillMan |
Has it really been 3 and a half years? It seems like just yesterday when you made a topic about how fun it was just to watch him swim.

What was his name?
Seth: What are you making?
Evan: I'm just drilling holes. Last two weeks, **** it.
#002 | BUM |
#003 | Pooty Boy |
Aww thanks guys. I noticed he hadn't been eating for a while and seemed really lethargic and he finally died overnight.

And I know it was SO long! It didn't feel like it was that long. I couldn't even (legally) drink when I got him!

He didn't really have a name. I never name fish for some reason. He was just "fish".

Although my ex-girlfriend called him Killer. So perhaps you can use that?
"A special effect without a story is a pretty boring thing." - George Lucas
#004 | PaperSpock |
;_; The "Name My Goldfish" topic was among the first I ever read on PMS.

RIP Fish
I thought I saw upon the stair a little man who wasn't there.
He wasn't there again today. Oh how I wish he'd go away.