Kodi Arfer / Wisterwood

Interesting results for today's poll

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#001 | BUM |
Admittedly, shy of 4000 voters have responded. But I didn't expect over 50% of people here to be permanently against tattoos.

Personally I don't have one and I plan on never having one. But I thought I would be not in the majority here.

In other news, people in Nashville are rallying against the building of a mosque. Fueled by ignorance and misinterpretation/misinformation about Islamic people and beliefs, who knows how much further these people can make my faith in Nashville drop?
#002 | Jacehan |
Yeah, I don't particularly like tattoos, either.

The mosque stuff is happening all over the country, which is just extra sad.
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#003 | BUM |
Yeah, it's not even about the trade center for me. I understand that people have strong emotional ties to the site. Logically, I think it's fine to build a mosque nearby. But I understand emotions aren't logical, and so the mosque doesn't really *need* to be built there, because it's clearly going to offend people. But anywhere else? C'mon.
#004 | DarthMarth |
They aren't building it there, it's in an old Burlington Coat Factory. Also, this: http://www.cracked.com/blog/3-reasons-the-ground-zero-mosque-debate-makes-no-sense/

1. It's not "at" ground zero.
2. It's not a mosque.
3. it's hypocritical to be against it and for freedom of religion.
DarthMarth - Better than a bowl of Cheerios.