Kodi Arfer / Wisterwood

It still blows my mind how people on GFAQS don't use Facebook...

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#001 | Pooty Boy |
The #1 most popular site on the internet (True - I just read a report 2 days ago saying that Facebook currently receives more traffic on a daily basis than Google) and for some reason it isn't used here.

I know I'll get some flack from you guys but it still shocks me. Like... c'mon, man...
"A special effect without a story is a pretty boring thing." - George Lucas
#002 | Kodiologist |
That's not a great metric of popularity because the average Facebook user will spend a lot more time on the site, and thus consume a lot more bandwidth, than the average Google user. I prefer counts of unique visitors.

"You blockhead!" -Cheez
#003 | HeyDude |
Kodi, "traffic" is the Kleenex of the Internet usage world. It's the word everybody tends to use even when it's incorrect or not well-defined.
#004 | Kodiologist |
So the report Pooty read may in fact have been talking about counts of unique visitors or something else?

I would certainly be surprised if it were true that more people visited Facebook each day than Google. Just think of how many people use Google's search box in place of their browser's address bar.

"You blockhead!" -Cheez
#005 | TheCheezBounce |
You have to understand the age range of the users here. Most of the kids here are 15-18, and in high school. I didn't want to use Facebook until I graduated high school, so maybe it's something like that?

Or MAYbe a large chunk of users here don't have enough friends to want it. :P
Holy **** we're in the Matrix? - Willis