I thought today's was especially appropriate for all of you:
And if you want to see them all:
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v129/ukealii50/kylo.jpg - Thanks uke!
http://img193.imageshack.us/img193/829/07kyloforce.png - Thanks Diyosa!
Oh, very good, I thought you'd abandoned these.
http://bombsolomon.tumblr.com/image/31470080188 - This surprises me, not least because your post-its sound aphoristic. But you're not cautioning against aphorism in general so much as using other people's aphorisms, right? Is it a matter of originality, of making sure to only use aphorisms people haven't heard before—in which case I'd worry that the aphroisms I came up with had been anticipated—or of only being able to use aphorisms properly when they come from your own experience?
http://bombsolomon.tumblr.com/image/27649512377 - I'm not sure whether you're here confronting or have missed what I see as the primary moral of recent mass murders like 9/11 and school shootings, which is that preventing them is impossible. In a world of seven billion people, it's guaranteed that once every few years (or maybe every few weeks), someone will have the motive and the means to do something unthinkable. This phenomenon is a corollary of the general rule that you can get 99% guarantees of what you want, but never quite 100% guarantees. In statistics, we never aim for certainty, only very low uncertainty.
Another important point along these lines is that spectacular mass murders, because they're so spectacular—that is, unusual—aren't diagnostic. 9/11 was not representative of how dangerous the world is or how much the Middle East hates the West or how incompetent American government is or anything, although its enormous political consequences have certainty helped to make it seem more normal. If you want proof that people in the first world are too cavalier with their lives, you're better off looking at car-crash statistics.
http://bombsolomon.tumblr.com/image/28158127298 - This is the best one.
"I'm sure everyone on this list will be glad to know I don't plan to reproduce myself." -Richard Stallman