I was never offended by what you had to say, really. I remember a few of the topics you made about the issues you discussed before, but yeah, never offended or anything like that.
... I'd probably end up killing myself in both timelines doing so, and...
When I first read this I was like OH GOD DON'T DO IT! But then I realized you weren't talking about suicide and...yeah...
...fact that one of my previously-mentioned friends and I had a rather violent falling out caused by just our DIFFERENCES in religious and political beliefs! ...That, and I did say some pretty nasty things to his wife and her family, but I digress...
I remember this topic too, but if I recall right, you left out the fact that you insulted his family =P
But wutevs, you always bring a bit of activity here. And you're one of the MSGers that migrated over here around the same time I did (us, Smithy, and dustPAL). So we coo'
Well, there is a new accent of n00b language. It's called: Vet LUEser goes Foreign!-MegaSpy22
Those must be the pants of the gods!-Digitalpython