Kodi Arfer / Wisterwood

Re: Internet pornography security

Topic List
#001 | willis5225 |
Re: http://arfer.net/pms/topics/65111330

So while researching for the "What are you listening to right now" topic* I realized that the sites I trust absolutely least (after shady pornography and mainstream news outlets) are webpages that host song lyrics.

wikia.lyrics.com which fortunately hosts this page: http://lyrics.wikia.com/T%C3%BDr:Wings_Of_Time

is some kind of unholy union and probably the last place in the universe that you can still contract crabs.

*I was trying to figure out what the lyrics to a Faroese ballad were, which as it turns out is impossible because the Faroese are either a people who are always drunk or who have no jawbones.
Willis, it seems like every other time you post, I need to look up a word that's in the OED or Urban Dictionary but not both.
#002 | HeyDude |
Yeah now that you say it, they are always riddled with ads.
#003 | Kodiologist |
Lyrics websites are indeed terrible. I thought it was just me until I saw this AskReddit thread: http://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/dpgcb

But you know what always stuck out to me more than pop-ups and ringtone-download links? Capitalization. Some sites have the lyrics in ALL CAPS, some have all lowercase, and some have a lame attempt at proper case in which the beginning of each line is capitalized but proper nouns aren't. I was left with the impression that all those sites get their lyrics from a single source that doesn't have capitalization information, and none of them, of course, want to invest the human effort in getting it right (or in writing software to get it mostly right), so they fall back on quick fixes like all caps.

"Generally the plan was to get away from government and allow the natural virtue of man to assert itself. What more can you ask for as an explanation of failure?" —B. F. Skinner (as Frazier in Walden Two)
#004 | willis5225 |
Yeah, that's a really good point. It's one more ingredient in the delightful melange of why the hell don't more bands just host their damned liner notes?
Willis, it seems like every other time you post, I need to look up a word that's in the OED or Urban Dictionary but not both.
#005 | PaperSpock |

One site I've found with some capitalization is songmeanings.net, which has the nifty plus of fan theories on the meaning of the songs along with the lyrics. They still have terrible ads, though.
Fame is but a slow decay.
-Theodore Tilton
#006 | willis5225 |
Yeah I always go with them honestly. Pretty quick load times and just the occasional "buy a ringtone" thing.

Oh the minus side, they don't break down by album (if you're into that) and, y'know, internet comments.
Willis, it seems like every other time you post, I need to look up a word that's in the OED or Urban Dictionary but not both.
#007 | Kylo Force |
Way back in high school, Relient K released a streaming, lo-fi version of one of their songs that was only going to be released on an EP that they decided to put out only in vinyl format. (They released an EP much, much later with all of these songs on a CD as well.)

I spent about an hour deciphering as many of the lyrics as I could, and many were unclear due to the low quality of the recording they released online. I posted them in exactly two places- my own LJ, and on a Relient K LJ fan community. In less than 12 hours after that, the lyrics I'd written out (including notes like "line is unclear") appeared all over Internet lyrics sites, without any credit to me. I wasn't particularly mad about it, just amused that it took pretty much no time at all to happen, and even moreso, because a lot of lines turned out completely wrong due to me mishearing them from the low quality recording.

That's the extent of my interesting experiences with lyrics websites.
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v129/ukealii50/kylo.jpg - Thanks uke!
http://img193.imageshack.us/img193/829/07kyloforce.png - Thanks Diyosa!
#008 | Kodiologist |


"Generally the plan was to get away from government and allow the natural virtue of man to assert itself. What more can you ask for as an explanation of failure?" —B. F. Skinner (as Frazier in Walden Two)
#009 | HeyDude |
Jess and I had a good giggle at that :)