Kodi Arfer / Wisterwood

Yesterday, I threw a snowball at a local dog that's barked at me for years.

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#001 | Kodiologist |
Revenge is sweet. And it was nice to get some use out of all that stupid snow.

Did I ever tell you guys how much I hate dogs? 'Cause I hate dogs. I get barked at a lot, presumably because I'm among the few pedestrians in suburban or rural areas.

The Following 0 Users Say Thank You to Kodiologist For This Useful Post:
#002 | HeyDude |
I think it's because you're albino that you're barked at a lot.

I don't think you ever told us how much you hate dogs.

Did you hurt the dog with the snowball, or what kind of throw are we talking about here?
#003 | Kodiologist |
I think it's because you're albino that you're barked at a lot.

Nah, I just look like a pale blond guy. Most humans can't tell I'm albino, let alone a dog.

Did you hurt the dog with the snowball, or what kind of throw are we talking about here?

It flinched, but mostly from sheer surprise, I think. I wasn't trying to bring it down or something. There was a fence between us.

The Following 0 Users Say Thank You to Kodiologist For This Useful Post:
#004 | BUM |
I don't really hate dogs, usually I like them a lot, but it depends on how much they bark, really. Sometimes I curse at them for their incessant barking.
#005 | HeyDude |
You probably smell different due to the lack of melanin in your skin.
#006 | PaperSpock |
I'm scared of dogs, actually. I once had a nightmare about a dog biting my elbow off. Yes, it was quite a strange dream.
Fame is but a slow decay.
-Theodore Tilton
#007 | LinkPrime1 |
I've got 3 of them, and yes, we yell at them for barking.
Well, there is a new accent of n00b language. It's called: Vet LUEser goes Foreign!-MegaSpy22
Those must be the pants of the gods!-Digitalpython
#008 | Kylo Force |
There was this incident in middle school where my friend's dog ran after me and then deeply scratched the back of both of my legs and as a result I was terrified of most dogs until many, many years later. I never would have guessed what would have cured my dog phobia, though. One day, several years later (I was in high school already), I was over at my friend's house and their dog had just had puppies. We were sitting on the couch hanging out and watching TV when four of the puppies jumped on the couch and then all four of them started crawling all over me and lying on me. At first I thought I was going to have a seizure or panic attack or something, but then I found it to be ok. Overexposure is an ironic cure for dog phobia, right?
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v129/ukealii50/kylo.jpg - Thanks uke!
http://img193.imageshack.us/img193/829/07kyloforce.png - Thanks Diyosa!
#009 | PaperSpock |
I actually had a somewhat similar experience that made me less afraid of dogs than I am now, though they still make me somewhat nervous. I was taking a walk on a very cold day, and heard this jingling behind me. I turned around, and there was this dog on the loose. He kept following me for some time, but he didn't attack me. And the longer he was around, the calmer I became, until I was mostly okay with it.

And actually, this phenomenon is reliable enough that clinical psychologist actually use it to treat phobias. Usually the trickiest part of the process is getting a person to agree to be exposed to the thing they fear.
Fame is but a slow decay.
-Theodore Tilton