Kodi Arfer / Wisterwood

Let's talk indie games, 'cause I just bought the humble bundle

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#001 | willis5225 |
I have an unimaginably large backlog of indie games, mostly because they're so very, very cheap lately. But whether it's because human beings physically can't turn down deals after a certain threshold or because I like the idea of indie games I dunno.

Anihoo, this round I bought Crayon Physics Deluxe for probably the third time, and Night Sky HD again though I don't know that I've ever actually run that. And I think I've bought Superbrothers Sword and Sorcery before and was just confused and frustrated by it then. It's still a weird directionless Adventure thing. I dunno.

Oh but then I opened up Solar 2. There's some thing with the installer that makes it insist on installing to its default directory no matter what you do, so I was trying to figure out if I could really spare the 50 megs for something that almost certainly doesn't need to be taking up precious, precious SSD space. Then two hours went by.

It's a bit like Osmos (physics object going around trying to absorb smaller objects) but there's slightly more nuance--instead of mashing into things, you need to get them into a stable orbit around the object, and then you end up with systems of objects and then much trippier things happen.

Anyway, after two hours I looked up, saw how late it had gotten, and figured I had better get to bed. I try to find a Save button and discover "Start Story Mode." Because I'd spent those two hours playing the title screen.
Willis, it seems like every other time you post, I need to look up a word that's in the OED or Urban Dictionary but not both.
#002 | Kodiologist |
Wow, sounds like the most engaging title screen since Scribblenauts.

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#003 | willis5225 |
It also gives no indication that it's the title screen.

Though I do believe it's the full game. I don't know because I've only spent two hours.
Willis, it seems like every other time you post, I need to look up a word that's in the OED or Urban Dictionary but not both.
#004 | HeyDude |
Tell me what y'all think of this. It's an art game, so you gotta kinda give it a chance it doesn't at first seem to deserve.
