HeyDude posted...
Does Bioshock take a bit to get good? I bought it (Steam sale) and only got maybe 15 minutes in and quit. Same with Half-Life 2 and SWKOTOR. And then Metro 2033 I played for like an hour, really trying to extend some grace, and it never got that awesome. These are all critically acclaimed games. What is wrong with me?
Go play them like now.
Like seriously, why are you reading this?
...Oh, an ANSWER? Ugh, fine.
Bioshock is one of the finest games I have ever played. It's rare that I'm so hooked that I play it non-stop for 8 hours after picking it up as a "Why the hell not?" purchase.
Half-Life 2 is great as well, but I can't speak as fondly about it. I'm decenltly far into it, but my laptop can't really handle games, and it just got to the point that the freezing/lagging ruined the enjoyment for me. I also wanted to play the original too, since there were a LOT of references I was missing.
I've never played KOTOR, but it's KOTOR....like seriously... Reputation alone means it's incredible.
Well, there is a new accent of n00b language. It's called: Vet LUEser goes Foreign!-MegaSpy22
Those must be the pants of the gods!-Digitalpython