I hit the stage for a dance performance for the first time in nearly a year last night. Felt really great. I realize these videos always get sort of a lukewarm reception here, but I can't help but share it with you all.
Here's the group I'm a part of, Kasama (roughly meaning "together" in Tagalog, a Filipino language):
Here is a group of some of my older friends, going by the name #noname (they couldn't come up with something in time for the program.) The set was special because one of the girls had been a dancing for a long time and convinced her boyfriend (another longtime friend of mine) to join them for this performance, his first time dancing on stage pretty much ever. It was a big surprise for the audience and we all loved it. Another bonus: their two ending songs were "Stand Out" and "I 2 I" from A Goofy Movie.
Here's a video of their Hip Hop Student Association. If you want something with a more classic hip hop/breakdancing feel, this vid is for you. The title of their performance was "Breaking Bad," which I thought was clever.
And last, here's a video of the "home" group of the school, Sini-GANG (a pun on the classic Filipino dish "sinigang," a type of sourish soup or stew.) Their set was based around the theme or concept of the hardships faced by a military family. Pretty powerful.
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v129/ukealii50/kylo.jpg - Thanks uke!
http://img193.imageshack.us/img193/829/07kyloforce.png - Thanks Diyosa!