I thought it was pretty cool, but why is it so easy to turn somebody to dark or light side? Juhani was easy, Bastila was easy (both for Malak and for me). Shouldn't there be like a long, horrible phase of corruption? As much as I can see the flaws in the prequel SW movies, they at least presented a plausible "turn to the dark side" story for Anakin.
Looks like somebody would benefit thematically from playing KoToR 2.
Willis, it seems like every other time you post, I need to look up a word that's in the OED or Urban Dictionary but not both.
Which is to say that it acknowledges how dumb that is and actively refuses to engage with the question of light and dark sides of the force.
Per Kreia: It is such a quiet thing to fall.
Willis, it seems like every other time you post, I need to look up a word that's in the OED or Urban Dictionary but not both.
Interesting... I do plan to play it in the near future.
I'm told (by Travis, but it's just something he heard; he didn't play it) that it's so buggy as to be unplayable without modding/patching... is this true in your experience? I assume you played the PC version.
Nah, not remotely. What happened is that the developer was under intense pressure to make a Chrismo-chanu-kwanzaa release, so they couldn't get the last planet or so up to standard. They ended up cutting a ton of stuff that was basically ready to go but required some scripting polish, and so the climax is a bit of a mess. There's one sequence that's really confusing because all the lead-up to it and its resolution were cut, so you just see some droids bickering and then the game ends without bothering with them again.
There's a (pretty stable) fan mod that puts all that back with the proper scripting and such, so there's really nothing to stop you. (I actually can't speak to precisely how much it puts in, because the ending varies so much with your alignment, sex, and party relationships that some of what was new on my last playthrough was just because I played differently during the last one.)
Also it's sure to be on a Steam sale at some point. I think I got it for $2.50 last summer.
Willis, it seems like every other time you post, I need to look up a word that's in the OED or Urban Dictionary but not both.
Yeah I've had it for like a year. I think I bought KOTOR + KOTOR2 for like 10 bucks together. It might've been 5 -- I'm rather shrewd.
I spent like ten minutes thinking about Star Wars just now, which is probably the best ten minutes of any given day. The thought centered around the basic conceits behind the protagonist of the OT and the two KoToRs. Specifically the way they relate to the loss and transformation of identity. Revan loses her identity completely, and in retreading her path to power finds a new identity even as she regains the old. Kreia retains her identity, but in losing her power becomes a kind of tabula rasa. Then in finding her power, she rebels against new identity laid out for her. The Exile of course never loses his identity but the exercise of power perverts the nature and threatens one aspect of his identity (i.e. as Jedi Knight).
Spoilers cause vagueness!
Willis, it seems like every other time you post, I need to look up a word that's in the OED or Urban Dictionary but not both.