So I bought these dinky little $20 Logitech speakers, then upon installing them discovered that the subwoofer didn't work. While the warranty was working itself out, I found out that I could get it to play by putting it on its side and tapping it and then not jostling it anymore once I got it to go. So okay, cool.
The warranty would eventually go through (fine folks, Logitech) but by then I had a workaround so I haven't actually switched over to the new (working) speakers, and that was maybe two months ago.
The thing is that the speakers, well, kind of blow. I assumed it was because of the woofer thing, but no they're just terrible. So now I have two sets of speakers that work but have no value to me and indeed no value to anyone else.
One option is of course to rent a white van and drive around the neighborhood asking whether people want to buy a set of speakers, but it always seems like people don't get that joke.
Willis, it seems like every other time you post, I need to look up a word that's in the OED or Urban Dictionary but not both.
Garage sale, sell the working one for $10 and the non-working one for $5. Consider that you've encountered a $5 lesson: don't buy ultra-cheap speakers (buy cheap speakers, like $40 or $50) or just a nice headset (bro, get a headset).
EDIT: Wait, do people have garage sales in New York? Do they even have garages?
They have stoop sales.
"A writer of story books!… Why, the degenerate fellow might as well have been a fiddler!"
Or porchcony saletaculars
I bet people would stop at the porchcony saletacular out of novelty, but I'd only have like two things to sell.
Willis, it seems like every other time you post, I need to look up a word that's in the OED or Urban Dictionary but not both.