Usually between dinner and dessert.
It's delights me.
"To truly live, one must first be born." ~ Evan [aX]
Paper Mario Social: The Safe Haven of GameFAQs. (Board 2000083)
Well I don't see the sense in that.
Willis, it seems like every other time you post, I need to look up a word that's in the OED or Urban Dictionary but not both.
On the contrary, it makes perfect sense to me. Maybe I was wrong about France...
Well, there is a new accent of n00b language. It's called: Vet LUEser goes Foreign!-MegaSpy22
Those must be the pants of the gods!-Digitalpython
I imagine they must have quality to justify this. How is it eaten? On crackers? By itself?
Usually just by itself, from what I've seen.
"To truly live, one must first be born." ~ Evan [aX]
Paper Mario Social: The Safe Haven of GameFAQs. (Board 2000083)
Spending time on five farms I must say it is common, either alone or on bread. Cheese and yogurt. Anyways, some of that stuff is pretty dang good, they don't play around with pasteurizing their cheeses.